Day 3 ~ Lazy Day

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It was december third. The temperature had dropped drastically and the two girls found themselves cuddling in their bed.

Besides the fact it was already 12pm, they would not dare to leave their warm comfy bed.

Today was going to be a lazy day.

"Janjan?" Cady spoke up

"what is it baby" Janis answered, rolling over so she was on top of Cady. This was is no sexual way what's so ever. It's just something the two always do whenever they are being lazy in bed.

"what do you wanna do today" the redhead asks as she plays with the tips of janis her hair.

"you" Cady almost chokes on nothing as she looks at her girlfriend in utter suprise. Her face goes bright red causing janis to laugh.

"I give you this, I did not expect that at all. But I can work with that tho" her voice drops a little deeper at the end of the sentence and Janis lowers her head to kiss Cady.

Cady her lips are soft and sweet. They taste like cherry and Janis is completely in love with it. The taste is combined with Janis her coconut chapstick. Making her lips plumb and ever so kissable.

Cady opens her lips just the slightest, giving Janis the chance to let her tongue in. Their tongues intertwine causing the redhead to let out a soft moan.

"hmm I love you so much Baby"

Janis lowers her lips, starting to kiss down Cady her cheeks and neck. Leaving little hickies on her way down. Cady slowly starts to become a moaning mess when Janis begins to grind on her hips.

"I think your shirt is blocking too much" shortly after Janis finished her sentence. They hear the door open.

"mommy? Mamma?"

Their daughter Ember.

Janis had never been so fast with climbing off Cady and fixing her shirt.

The redheads eyes widen as she looks at her daughter standing in the doorframe.

"Why were you sitting on mommy, mamma. Where you mad at her?" Ember asks in her most innocent voice.

Their daughter, Ember. Just turned 6 last summer. And she is the cutest thing you could imagine.

The two woman have never been so happy and have never loved someone as much as their daughter.

Ember might not have been something they had planned. But their love would always be there.

In all honesty, Ember was kind of an accident. Back in the days, when Cady was still dating Aron. A little something happened.

When he discovered that Cady was pregnant, he immediately left. That's when Janis was one of her only friends who still believed in her. And so on they started dating.

6 years later, they're dating and have a little daughter called Ember. Janis is not yet living with them. But she will be soon.

"Ehmm" Cady looks at her girlfriend worried. How is she going to answer this question. Ember is much too young to know this stuff.

"I knew it, mamma was mad at you. I was right!!!" Ember squeals as she runs over to the bed and jumps on it. Joining the two girls.

"yes that's completely right babygirl. Well, I was not really mad at her. But I was a little, so mamma sat on me to tickle me and cheer mommy up" a sigh of relief escaped Janis lips, knowing that ember would probably buy this.

Janis then gave a little wink at Cady which caused her to blush a little.

"I got mad at someone once, and they made funny faces to cheer me up. Do you do that too?" Ember asked, making a funny face at Janis. "I sometimes do, like this" Cady then made a funny face and they all started to laugh.

Not even 5 seconds later all of the three were goofing around. Doing the weirdest things and laughing uncontrollably.

"that was so funny mommy!" Ember might have been laughing the hardest, her little face was all red and she was rolling on the bed.

"your mommy is a little weird, isn't she" Janis whispered as she held her daughter. And pointed at her girlfriend.

Cady frowned and crossed her arms. "I am not weird... Well not as weird as you two!" she rejected, trying to stay mad but failing.

"I love you" Janis said, giving Cady and Ember a kiss on the forehead.

"you're lucky I love you too"

"and I love you!!" Ember yelled and fell back down on the bed, between Cady and Janis.

"I wanna watch mean girls the movie. Can we watch it mommy"

Cady gave Janis a look and looked back at Ember. "okay, but you gave to promise to not stay up to calling with uncle damain tonight"

"I promise!"

20 minutes later the movie had started and the plastics had invited Cady to sit with them.

Ember had her full focus on the movie, giving Janis the freedom to quietly talk to her girlfriend.

"she does know Tina Fey based this story off of our life, right?" Janis whispered and Cady snorted.

"She is smart enough for that. I think the whole reason she hate this Aaron so much is pretty clear" The blue eyed girl answered. Looking at the boy on the screen.

"Mommy, why is this version of you staring at that yucky boy" Janis almost spit out her drink and Cady had a look of suprise on her face.

"I don't know sweetheart. Maybe she likes him" Ember her attention was quickly drawn back to the movie and Janis turned back to Cady again.

"What the writers didn't know is what happened in that bathroom"

"knuckle deep hmm, pretty impressive I would say" Cady answered feeling Janis her fingers moving behind her back.

"Mamma look at that girl, her make up looks like yours!" Ember squeals, pointing and the Janis on TV.

"Do you think so honey? The other girl looks kind of like aunty Regina I think"

The rest of the day was filled with lots of Cuddles and lots of snacks. Non of them really had energy to do anything at all.

And once in a while, a lazy day is what you deserve. Especially with a 6 year old daughter. And a crackhead dog.


Honestly, this is so bad. I hate this so MUCH. BUT HEY, IT'S OUT SO WHO CARES

Credits for the character Ember goes to kenzieslovelyworld THANK YOUUUUUUUUU

I hope you enjoy!

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