Day 18~ Learning Jingle Bell Rock Dance

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Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock...

The song has been playing non stop inside of Cady her head. Of course it has, because until 4 years ago, it's what she did nearly every year.

Regina has been stressing them ever since September to start rehearsing, and every year she succeeds. She asks the drama teacher to rent the room every Thursday to rehearse. And so they do.

Going over the different steps second by second. Fitting the costumes and ordering them to loose three pounds... the process is a lot.

But now that they were out of highschool Cady has been kind of missing the dance.

So what better option than teaching Janis, her beloved girlfriend, the one specific dance.

Little does she know what's gonna happen later. Considering Janis kind of made the dance.


It's 10am, meaning it's dear time to wake up.


"Jayjayyyyy wake upppp" Cady straddled her girlfriend, trying to wake her up but not getting a response.

So there's one of the many options left.



"YEET" she then jumped on her girlfriend who now jumped wide awake.

"What happened to... Baby.... Honey... love of my life? Don't they exist anymore?" Janis groggily murmured. She sat up, giving a little kiss on Cady her nose.

"They did, until they wouldn't wake you up anymore, I thought this was a good way" Cady lightly joked kissing her girlfriend back.

They continued to make out for a while but Cady got impatient eventually.

"I think it's time to go eat some breakfast and after that we have a fun activity to do" the redhead explained as she climbed out of their bed putting on her fluffy bunny slippers.

"Fun activity?" Janis responded with a big question mark, considering she had just woken up it wasn't the strangest thing.

"We..." Cary walked closer to her girlfriend, resting her hands on Janis waist. "Are going to dance"

This didn't change Janis' confusion much. She knew Cady often had strange ideas. But wanting them to dance at 10 in the morning is something else.

"Dance? But I can't dance KitKat" Janis told her girlfriend while they were walking down the stairs.

"Who says you have to be able to dance to actually dance a little. Plus I saw you at homecoming, you can move your hips pretty well" a small smirk appeared on Cady her face.

"Fine, you win... what's the song anyways?" Janis asked with a sigh. She doesn't like dancing at all, it makes her feel....


"Jingle bell rock. The song which I used to perform every year until we graduated" Cady explains proudly. But Janis knows better than that, she will have a lot of fun this day.

She decides to just play along. Act like nothing is familiar and she didn't choreograph that dance at all.

"Sure whatever, only bc you look really hot in that Christmas dress outfit thing" Now it's Janis her time to put on a smirk. Also to lightly slap Cady her ass.

Time skip because I'm a very lazy writer and I'm still many chapters behind.

Just after they've eaten breakfast it's time to dance. To "teach" Janis the oh so not familiar dance that she definitely did not choreograph her own in 6th grade.

But Cady doesn't know that.

"Are you ready Jay?" The redhead asks in her mrs Claus outfit. And believe it or not, Janis is wearing one too.


Janis is wearing a dress, how is that possible.

"If you say so" she answers and the music starts playing. The well known guitar intro with the bells is heard through the living room and Cady is showing the first few steps.

Little did Cady know Janis literally choreographed this dance many years ago and she still knew all of the steps. But it's for the redheads joy to do something she still low key loves, and the brunettes joy of fooling her girlfriend.

And even though she hates to admit it, Janis too slightly began to miss this dance. Those times might have been a nightmare but she loved the choreographing.

"Okay so first we go, 1-2-3-4 steps forward, swaying our hips" Cady instructs, walking forward just like she said.

And so Janis does the four steps, acting like she finds it hard and difficult. Tripping a little over her own feed just to make it extra dramatic.

"We then put our left hand up waving from left to right on 5-6 and sway our hips from left to right on 7-8" Cady instructs slowly. Wanting Janis to pick up every move.

Of course Janis knows every single step. It's her own dance after all.

'And then we twerk our ass and do the tight slap" Janis jokes looking up at Cady who is now fairly confused

"How do you know that!?" The redhead asks.

"I choreographed the song in 6th. We used to perform it every Christmas" Janis explained doing her best to not burst out in laughter because of Cady her face.

"Why didn't you tell meeeee"

"It's too much fun" Janis says between giggles.

But an idea came to Cady her mind. "We are going to film this and send it to Regina and Heather"

Before you panic, they're good friends now and still hang out pretty often so it isn't that big of a deal.

"I hate you" Janis snorts

"I love you too"


I copied so much from my previous chapter💀💀

Anyway, I'm almost caught up hehehe

Hope you like it!

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