Day 9~ Christmas music

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As mentioned before, it's December. And they've just entered the second week of the Holliday festive filled month.

And Cady had seemed to notice one thing. Something she realized over the few weeks of December.

It's the music. She keeps hearing the same number of songs with the clearly noticeable sound of the bells. The iconic sound you always hear at this time of the year.

"Jayjay baby?" Cady asks while they're driving home. The two had just brought Ember to school. Meaning it's currently 8:45 in the morning.

"What is it babes?"

Cady thinks a bit before starting with her question. "I don't know if this is a weird question. But I've been hearing all of these songs the past week and they all sound kind of similar. They have these sounds that sound like bells or something..."

Janis giggles, looking at her girlfriend before focusing back on the road.

"You mean Christmas Music?" Janis looks like she has just seen a whale cross the road.

"I think?" It's not clear of Cady looks embarrassed or utterly confused. Maybe even a combination of both.

"Are you, Cady Heron, telling me that you have never heard of the term 'Christmas music'!? How is that possible!?" There's a silence. Janis doesn't believe her girlfriend

How could someone have never heard about Christmas music. It's like the main thing about Christmas. People start listening to it in like....what? October!?

"Maybe because I've lived in Kenya half my life? Of course I've heard the classic 'we wish you a merry Christmas' oh and the song the plastics thought me, but nothing much really" Cary explains as she looks at her girlfriend, who's still looking as surprised as before, if not even more surprised.

"I can't believe this. You know what, I don't care about what we are going to do today. Whatever we do, we listen to my Christmas playlist on Spotify!"

(Shameless self promo; go follow my Spotify 'FloortjeV" I have a lot of musical theatre playlists and Disney and even Christmas playlists plus my monthly favs so go follow that if you want hehehe❤️)

And without any further discussion Janis had started playlist the first song. And of course it was the good old "All I Want For Christmas"

The knot started to play which suddenly turned Janis into a girl version of Damian.

"IIIIIUUUUUU DONT WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMASSSSS" Janis sung without any embarrassment whatsoever which kind of surprised Cady.

"THEEEREEEE IS JUST ONE THING I NEEEEEED" it was safe to say Cady was just the slightest bit scared about what was happened at the very moment.

"ALLLL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IIIIUUHHEEEIIIISSSSSSS" the singing girl took one big breath before......

"YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" she screamed more than singed and this took Cady by surprise.

"What...was...that..." Cady her head gave one big error. She has no idea what she has just witnessed.

She had always though Janis hated anything to do with singing and dancing and such thing. But at this very moment she isn't so sure anymore.

"That was my very own performance of the most famous Christmas song in the US and maybe even Europe" Janis told her girlfriend with a proud grin on her face.

"Well I gotta admit, I won't ever forget this" Cady laughed before opening the door of their car.

The two girls walked in their porch before opening the door. Their house still wasn't decorated but they had agreed in doing it next week or something.

As they removed their winter jackets and the shawls Lion came running towards them.

He barked a few times and jumped up to Janis her leg, wanting attention like always.

"Who's a good boi, you areeee" Janis petted his head, ruffling his coat.

"I still don't know why he loves you more. You might be staying here almost everyday but he lives with me. Why does he love you more" Cady joked as she walked over to the couch.

"Because he has to put up with your ass everyday. Who would ever want that" Janis joked back making Cady look at her with her mouth hung open.

"Excuse me, you decided to ask me out, you decided to come over nearly everyday and YOU decided to be a second mom to Ember. So you don't get to play that card" she then kisses Janis passionately until an idea popped up in her head.

"OH MY GOD I HAVE AN IDEA!" The shorter girl shot up and ran over to the Bluetooth box that was placed on the kitchen table.

"I am going to teach you the Jingle Bell Rock choreography which the plastics made me do a few years ago" Cady then put on the song and moved the little kitchen table out of the way.

"Caddie cat, do we have to" Janis whines as she lets herself fall down on the couch.

"Yes jay, we must. You had your time to shine in the car, so now it's my turn" Cady objected, smiling widely at her girlfriend who was now slowly standing up.

Little did Cady know Janis literally choreographed this dance many years ago and she still knew all of the steps.

But that's just for Janis to have a little fun playing around with cady.

"Okay so first we go, 1-2-3-4 steps forward, swaying our hips"

And so Janis does the four steps, acting like she finds it hard and difficult.

"We then pour our two hand up on 5-6 and sway our hips from left to right on 7-8" Cady instructs slowly. Wanting Janis to pick up every move.

Of course Janis knows every single step.

"And then we twerk our ass and to the right slap" Janis jokes looking up at Cady who is now fairly confused.

"How do you know that!?" The redhead asks.

"I choreographed the song in 6th. We used to perform it every Christmas" Janis explained doing her best to to burst out in laughter because of Cady her face.

"Why didn't you tell meeeee"

"It's too much fun" another idea came to Cady her mind.

"We're going to dance it together now in our Christmas pajamas"

Safe to say Janis wasn't too excited about that.


This chapter is literally so boring and short omfg I hate myself.

But please go check kenzieslovelyworld Her accounts, she slinging an awareness spread about suicide and it's pretty important

Anyway, I hope you like the chapter!

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