Day 21~ Inviting Friends Over

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"Kitkattttt" Janis whines just after they had woken up.

The clock reads 11am but they have been awake from about an hour, just being lazy and cuddling in bed.

"What is it babes" Cady answers resting her head on Janis her chest.

"What if we invite Chandler, and Regina over along with Karen and Gretchen" Janis offers while tracing patterns in on the redheads chest out of pure boredom.

The offer took Cady kind of by surprise. It would normally be Cady who offers to hang out with them put Janis caking with the idea? That's kind if uncommon plus she didn't hear the threaten freak is name.

"What about Damian, I mean I think it's a great idea, but why don't we invite him too" Cady asks the girl underneath her.

"He has a two show day doing the Book of Mormon like every Sunday. I also just realized, somehow we all ended up being gay and having a wife" Janis laughs, not realizing what she just said. Cady of course did and looked up at her girlfriend.

"I'm not your wife" she gently slapped Janis' arm. Cady low key wishes that wasn't true but she decides to just keep dreaming.

Low key does she know what's going to happen on Christmas Day.

"Not yet" The brunette decides to joke low key being serious.

"Anyway, I'll text the girls asking if they want to come over" Cady then answers, kissing Janis on the lips and grabbing her phone.

Plastics or whatever
Do you guys wanna come over today? Were bored

Queen B
Sure let me ask Chands

Sexy mouse
Can we bring food🍕🌮✈️🍟🎆🥞🤹🏼‍♀️

Mythic Bitch
Under one circumstance

Queen B
Yes babe I will bring corn nuts

Okay Janis and I have pop so if you all will bring food.

Space Alien
Oh btw bring your Christmas presents like we arranged a few weeks ago
Secret Santa night

Mythic bitch
Is it okay if these gifts are not family friendly

iPhone w/ case
What Chandler is trying to ask
Is Ember with us?


Space alien
This is going to be tits

Queen b
We Will be at your house at 1pm
Be ready

The couple didn't know what to expect but they were slightly scared. They knew that they had agreed on making them spicy but you could literally expect anything from Regina and Chandler

Especially knowing what kind of people they are.

"Babe, what in the hell are they going to give either us or Karen and Gretchen?" Cady asks her girlfriend while getting out of bed.

"Honestly it could be anything. Don't be surprised if it's a bright pink you know what" How could Janis say this with the most straight face.

Cady was just the slightest bit scared...

So there they were. The three original plastics along with another three girls who could easily be plastic or have been plastic before.

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