Day 20 ~ Family Dinner

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"Therefor we have invited you to have dinner with us"

"Jan I don't know if I can do this. You know what my family is like" Cady worried while pacing down the living room.

It's a few days before Christmas and the couple had no other option than have a family dinner. As much as they didn't want this, Cady her own family had invited themselves over.

They don't know about Cady and Janis dating. The family still thinks they're just best friends. But today they have decided to finally announce their relationship.

"I am very happy that we have had the opportunity to finally eat with our dear daughter. We can finally talk to her about her future and what will lie ahead of her" Cady her father said with his own posh voice.

As much as Cady doesn't want this, she know that she will have to eventually. But the horrible consequences are what's holding her back.

Back in Africa, where she has lived almost her whole life, you could easily be killed for being Gay. And she doesn't know if her parents will think this way too.

Janis is officially going to move in with her, how will her family take that. They have a daughter together, her family will kill her.

"Jayjay I really don't know about this" Cady is starting to breath faster, quickly zoning out and staring into the void.

Janis recognizes this behavior and knows how it feels.

"KitKat I want you to look at me. Breath with me, match my breathing" the taller girl instructs holding Cady her hands.

Cady then looks at Janis, trying to math her breathing, to calm down.

Breath in...

"I am very happy that you let us join dinner Cady" Her mom told the shorter girl.

Breath out...

"Let's hope this will be a nice family dinner" with emphasis on family and a stern look towards Janis.

Once Cady shot back to reality her breathing got back to normal. Janis carefully kissed her in the nose.

"I just... I want this to be perfect and I'm just so scared of what my parents will say" the redhead explained, not making eye contact.

It broke Janis her heart. She knew what this felt like and how painful it is do have to doubt your parents.

"KitKat, I know it's really hard. Believe me I know. But however this will turn out, you'll always have me by your side. Always" a tender kiss is placed on Cady her lips.

"Tell me Cady, where do you see yourself in the future. A wealthy husband?" Mr Heron asked the nervous girl. All of the color was drained from Cady her face.

She knew this would come soon.

"But what should I tell them. How am I going to tell them" Cady asks with worry. She just can't get the panic out of her head.

"We will tell them together Bambi, and if they don't respond well, we will kick them out of the house. We will even let Lion bite them. Deal?" Janis offered which made Cady smile just the slightest.

Even tho Cady was still scared out of her mind, knowing Janis would be there for her no matter what made her a little calmer.

"I love you so much sunflower. Thank you"

"Thank you for what" the tall brunette asked.

Cady thought for a bit. Not anyone has ever been this kind to the redhead before. She had never had these people around her.

"Just for being there for me. It means a lot" she answered.

"Mom... Dad... there's actually something we want to tell you" the shortest girl on the table began. And god she was nervous.

Janis shot her a glance of approval and hold her hand under the table. She would need this kind of support.

You could already see the faces coming from Cady her parents. Off to a great start...not.

"What is it Binti" at least her father stuck with this nickname, it's the only kind of love she has been receiving lately.

"Janis and I..."

The look from her parents didn't change.

"Have you both found a wealthy husband?" Mrs Heron tried to fill in but this didn't make it any better.

Non of the food had been touched yet, all that because of What's going on right now.

"We can do this KitKat, your parents will be here soon and we are going to tell them. I'm here for you" Janis said and from that moment on hell kind of broke loose.

"Cady and I are dating. And we have never felt this happy in our lives. I love your daughter with all my heart and I never want to loose her. We are in love Mrs and Mr Heron" Janis told the older couple with as much courage as she could.

She couldn't read the expression on their face, neither could Cady. It was almost like their soul left the adults body.

"What did this woman just say!?" Mr Heron started as he stood up.

"Are you telling me that you're lesbian!!!??" Mrs Heron yells, standing up as well.

"No actually I'm Bi..." the redhead tries but there's no luck.

The room is a mess, the two parents are yelling and Janis is trying to calm her girlfriend down. Cady and Janis didn't know what they expected but this wasn't quite it.

"20 YEARS LOOK I RAISED YOU, TOOK CARE OF YOU AND EVEN THAT STUPID DAUGHTER OF YOURS-" But the woman was cut off by a really mad Janis.

"Never. Never of your life you call our daughter stupid" Janis was raging mad now. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"I want you both out of my house, right now" somehow Cady sounded calm but mad at the same time. Janis had never seen her girlfriend like this. It was quite fascinating.

"Don't expect us to come back" and with that her parents were out of the house, food untouched and the mood down.

"Well that happened..." Cady mumbles, falling down in Janis arms. She doesn't know how to feel. Is she happy? Is she sad? The redhead doesn't know.

"It happened... and you were very strong" Janis comforts her, playing with a strand of red hair.

And these moments she's happy that Ember isn't home. She doesn't want her daughter to see this, she wouldn't have to see this.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Cady is silent for a while, trying to process what just happened. Her parents sort of kicked her out? They don't want to see their daughter for a while.

But then again, Cady and Janis are adults now, they don't need them in their life that much. So why is she so worried.

"I think I'm okay for a while" she sniffles cuddling into Janis.

"I love you okay?"

"I love you more sunflower"


Another quick chapter that's written slightly different than the others but that's fine

I think I'm finally catching up

I hope you like it!!!

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