Day 6~ hot chocolate

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Almost a week into December and the little family is already freezing their butt off. Despite the fact  that they literally have 7 blankets and lots of fuzzy socks, they have still managed to be cold.

There's only one thing left

"Janjan have you seen that new thing on TikTok!" Cady exclaims and she eagerly shows Janis her phone.

"Babe please don't tell me you wanna make me dance and sing again. I'm not in a musical" Janis whines as she rolls out of bed already missing the cozy warm place.

Cady rolls her eyes and let's put a laugh. "No not right now "

She opens her phone and shows Janis the video. It's the new trending thing where you put hot cocoa powers into a ball of chocolate .

"Oh my fucking god that looks tits" the dark haired girl takes the phone out of Cady her hands and watches the video once again.

"Jay, language! Ember might be near. But yes it looks awesome, what do you think if I tell you were making it today baby" Cady asks taking Janis by the waist and kissing her tenderly.

Soon enough Janis melts into the kiss as she tangled her fingers in Cadys hair.

"That sounds amazing love" Janis mumbles but it sounds more like a small moan.

"I love you so much" Cady says between kisses.

Not much later Janis decides to pick up Cady, Cady her legs wrapping around her waist. The dark haired girl pins her against the wall sliding her tongue in Cady her mouth.

Another moan escapes Janis mouth as their tongues explore each other's mouth. Hands roam their body and breathing gets heavier.

"As much... as much as I wanna ...." Cady tries to say between heavy breaths "our daughter is still in the next room"  the two part away but stay in the same position.

"I love you Sunflower"

"I love you too Bambi" Janis answers as she gives another kiss on Cady her nose.

"Hot Cocoa?" A hopeful voice comes out of Cady as she smiles widely. If there's one thing that Cady loved more than anything it's hot cocoa.

The taste of the sweet chocolate and the feeling of the warm liquid streaming down your body, it's something that she always wants around this time of the year.

"Hot cocoa" Janis answers and the two walk downstairs, letting Ember sleep for another few minutes.


"Okay so we have the molds. If you melt the chocolate I will butter the malls so nothing sticks to it" Cady orders around grabbing the chocolate and tossing it to Janis. Who unsurprisingly fails to catch it, making it fly through the air and then dropping on her head.

"Ow" she exclaims rubbing her head.

"Very good job baby, and I thought you were good with your hands" the shorter girl jokes shooting a quick wink towards her beloved girlfriend.

"I am, knowing you and knowing your moans very well" this leaves Cady a blushing mess and Janis bursts out in laughter.

"Don't tell me you're embarrassed right now. You literally made the joke" Janis retorts .

"ANYWAY! Here's the chocolate, put it in the pan and melt it" Cady changes the subject as soon as possible while grabbing the mold and spraying the thing .

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