Day 5 ~ Sick Day

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Cady woke up by a loud sneeze coming from the person laying next to her. And feeling the movements she knows Janis is already up.

"HA...HA...HACHOOO" another loud sneeze was heard. Cady knew all too well what this meant.

Janis is sick.

"Jayjay baby, are doing alright?" Cady carefully asks, scooting over to Janis her side.

"I'm" a couch escapes Janis mouth "I'm fine, just a little cold" she lies but Cady knows damn well that this is not just a cold. When Janis is sick, she's REALLY sick.

"Are you sure sunflower"

"Yes, like I said, just a cold" Janis answers as she gets out of the warm comfy bed. But just as she walks over to do door, Cady hurries towards her.

"I know you just told me you were doing fine, but let me at least get your temperature" Cady explains, grabbing the thermometer out of the nightstand.

"KitKat I swear, I'm alright. It's just a cold form being in the snow these past days. It will be over *sniff sniff* in no time" Janis tries to reassure her girlfriend, but failing miserably.

"That might be so. But I'm getting your temperature no matter what.  And after that I'm also getting embers. Just to be sure" and with that the thermometer is being out in Janis mouth without any warning.

"CADMHWM!" Janis tries to yell but it's being muffled by the thermometer being stuffed in her mouth .

A few second later the thing beeps, signaling them it was ready.

And of course, just as Cady expected it to be.

38.5 degrees Celsius, a fever.

"Jayjay you're heating up" Cady mumbles worried. Even tho she expected this, it still makes her worry. Sick Janis is not something you really want. Because when she's sick, she's really sick.

"It's nothing KitKat, I swear I'm feeling absolutely fine. A soar throat isn't that bad"  as much as Janis tries to tell her girlfriend she's doing alright. Cady is not buying it.

"You, my love, are going to back to bad right now. I'm going to take our daughters temperature and after that I'm going to make some breakfast. You are not getting out of that bed any time soon baby" and with that and a kiss on the nose, Cady is out of the room. Leaving Janis stunned.

"Well alright" Janis mumbled, still not wanting to admit to herself that she's really getting sicker by the minute. It has only been 10 minutes after her soar throat had started and a ponding headache had already arrived.

Cady is now walking over to ember her room. The door has a beautiful painting of the three girls sitting under a three. It's an art work that Janis had made and even Ember had helped a little bit.

It's a beautiful painting and they couldn't be any more proud of it.

"Emby, are you awake honey?" The redhead softly knocks on the door waiting for an answer.

"Mommyyyyy" a sweet high voice is heard from behind the door, letting Cady know that her daughter is awake.

She then opens the door, being met by Ember still lying in bed, reading a book. As she takes a better look she realizes it's not a book but a playbill from a show Damian had played in last year; the Book of Mormon playbill

"Goodmorning Ember" Cady softly greets and sits down on the end of Ember her bed. "Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning mommy. I slept really well!" The small girl equals sitting up. "I dreamed that we went to see uncle Damian in one of his musicals. When are we seeing uncle Damian againnnnnn" hearing Ember her excitement about Damian and his musicals makes Cady smile.

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