Day 7~ Binging Christmas Movies

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It's Monday, meaning that Ember is at school and surprisingly both Cady and Janis have a day off.

Janis had slept over at Cadies so they're both still in bed, covers covering their pajama clad bodies.

Embers friends mom had been so kind to pick her up meaning that the two girlfriends had the opportunity to just be lazy in bed.

"So baby, what do you wanna do today" Cady asks, looking at her girlfriend. They simply have the whole day to themselves since Ember would be eating dinner at her friends.

Janis think a bit before answering "what do you think about watching Elf?"

Cady looks at her girlfriend in utter confusion.
Something Janis doesn't know is that Cady has never seen one Christmas movie in her whole life.

"What's Elf? Elf's don't exist, how do you wanna watch them?" Its pretty clear that Cady doesn't understand anything about what Janis had said.

"Are you telling be you've never heard any about Elf?" Janis exclaims, being taken aback, yet the slightest bit disappointed.

"No...?" There's a hint of hesitation in Cady her voice.

"Okay I have now decided that we're going to binge every single Christmas movie on earth and if we don't succeed, we'll pull and all-nighter, no discussion" if Janis is determined to do something, they will do it. Or as Janis like to say it;

"My way, my way or the high way"

Cady is left surprised, she had lived in Africa for most of her life. They lived in a tent, adventures what they do. They barely had a TV, leave alone tons of movies.

"Jan I love you very much, but how do you want to watch at least a hundred movies in no more then 24 hours?" Cady carefully asks, not wanting to hurt Janis her ideas.

"I don't know and I don't care. Anyway, you grab the snacks, I'll get the bed and the TV ready. We're doing a Christmas movie marathon.

And suddenly they found themselves getting ready for a movie day. Cady has no idea what to expect and honestly,she's kinda scared.

Don't get her wrong, she loves Janis her ideas, well most of them. But sometimes they can do you say that? A bit unrealistic and the slightest bit dangerous.

But what could go wrong with Christmas movies? Well...


"WHO THE HELL ANIMATED THIS MOVIE. THIS IS SCARY AS FUCK" Cady half angry yelled. They were now watching a movie called 'the polar express'

Not even halfway in and Cady Already hated the movie. And I don't judge her, it's animated pretty scary.

The two found themselves surrounded by fuzzy blankets and poofy pillows. The perfect place to do a movie marathon.

Their dog Lion was laying on the end of the bed, snoring loudly.

Janis didn't know if the snoring was because lion is just a crackhead or because of the breed. They would never know.

Janis snorted at Cady her response to the movie. She had already watched this movie a thousand times so she didn't lay much attention to it anymore.

"Who cares about the animation, this movie is tits. And look at their hot chocolate, that shit looks fire" Janis comments as they were at the part with the amazing looking hot cocoa.

"Okay yes I'll admit, it does look pretty great" Cady says before giving Janis a kiss on the cheek. "But you look even better" a small blush appears on Janis her face.

After an hour or two they had began in their second movie of that day; the grinch

Maybe not the perfect movie to watch with a crackhead dog in the same room. Especially if that dogs Lion the chow chow.

Once the grinch appeared on the screen and started making these weird noises, Lion woke up and starts barking at the screen.

"Lion, shhhh it's okay buddy, it's okay" Cady tried to calm him down by petting his furry back. It sort of worked because he started to quiet down a bit.

"Honestly jay, I don't judge Lion. That thing does kind of look ceepy. But also really lame" Cady jokes, laying her head back on Janis her chest.

"He kind of does. But I like him, he reminds me of myself" Janis snorts.

"Hey! That's not true! You're amazing,brave,beautiful and especially really hot" Cady frowns and kisses Janis.

"That green thing is non of that plus he doesn't have a girlfriend named Cady" And with that The redhead lays back down in her old position, continuing to watch the weird Christmas movie.

Another hour later and the clock strikes 2pm. The couple hasn't moved an inch since, meaning they also haven't had lunch or a bathroom break.

"Jayjayyyyy can we please take a break, I really have to go to the bathroom" Cady whines making the same puppy eyes as her daughter always does.

"But then we loose time and we HAVE to at least watch 7 more movies" now it's Janis her time to use the puppy eyes but Cady knows how to resist them. Especially when her bladder is full.

"Nope, no, no, no. I, am going to the bathroom right now and you, little miss, are going to make some kind of lunch for us" the shorter girl orders as she gets out of the warm blanket fort they had created that morning.

Janis rolls her eyes before doing the same "ugh fine, you're lucky I love you babe" and with that the two go off to do their thing.

While Janis is preparing lunch, she's also making a list. A list that's full of movies they still have to watch.

It's quiet a lot;

"The nutcracker, the godmother, let it snow, home alone 1/2/3, noelle, last Christmas, Santa clause 1/2/3" Janis mumbles while waiting for the food to warm up. Cady then walked into the kitchen, surprising Janis with a hug from behind.

"Watcha dooiiiinnnggg" the redhead asks, taking a look at the phone in Janis hands.

"Realizing that we have at least 11 movies left to watch"

Cady her eyes widen

"11 MOVIES, how are we going to watch 11 movies before tomorrow !?" Cady honestly doesn't know if she's surprised or disappointed.

She could've expected this.

"What do you think about an all-nighter?" Janis her voice is filled with hope but Cady won't give in.

"Baby as much as I love you, we also have a daughter to raise and she'll come home around 8 this evening so we have about 6 hours left" she explains looking at the clock.

"Then we'll watch three more movies today, and maybe some tomorrow?"

"I can work with that"

The pair grabs their food and drinks supply before locking themselves in their room once again.

"We are now going to watch my favorite out of all; last Christmas. A very cute Christmas romcom. Filled with yucky straight couples but still very cute" Janis explains before kissing her girlfriend and starting the movie.

"I love you sunflower"

"I love you too Bambi"


Second update today!!! I'm finally keeping up again so that's great

Here you have a very boring chapter filled with nonsense heheheh

Hope you enjoy!!!

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