Day 15~ Date Night

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It's December 15th, officially halfway though the last month of the year. And even after two weeks, the two girls haven't been on a proper date.

So that's the challenge for today.

Usually, the two of them went on dates every week. But ever since Ember has been a part of their family, it has become a little harder.

Ember has been staying with her friend the past week because well...

She wouldn't stop whining about it.

Janis isn't home till about 5pm since she's having an art contest right now. Cady would want to visit but they're not allowed right now.

But this gives the shorter redhead a perfect opportunity to prepare a little something.

She doesn't know what she'll do yet, but it's got to be absolutely perfect.

Cady is thinking about something like a cute dinner. But a spa evening would be great too. Or what about disco mini golf?

Why are there so many options, god damn it.

She knows that Janis would love them all but she just couldn't choose. Mini golf might not be the perfect idea since you know, sport. So the two other options would be dinner and a nice spa bath thing.

What if she just does a combination of both.

That's a good idea yeah.

So she starts with making the dinner. Cady knows that Janis absolutely loves chicken Alfredo. Plus it isn't that hard to make. That would be the main dish.

Okay so they have chicken as their main dish, maybe some tomato crème soup is a nice starter.

Damn I'm good at this cady thinks as she walks over to their basement to grab the ingredients.

"What do we need... pasta, chicken, garlic powder, cream cheese, butter" she counts up grabbing the things out of their spare fridge.

After several minutes she has all of her things and she's heating up the water.

Cutting the chicken and mixing the several other ingredients, Lion walks over to the girl standing in the kitchen.

"Hi there Lion, you want some chicken?" She asks, throwing a little piece of boiled chicken towards the dog.

The pasta is finally down and neatly placed on the plates. While she was waiting for everything to heat up, she had also prepared the bathroom.

Rose petals neatly thrown over the tub and candles lit everywhere. It looked absolutely perfect. And the smell in every room was even better.

The clock read 4:55pm, meaning Janis could come home any minute now.

Not gonna lie, Cady was fairly nervous because it's been a long time since she had some something like this. Again low key blaming their daughter for that.

Don't get her wrong, they love ember with their whole heart. But she's kind of, how do you call it?
A cock blocker, well in their case it's pussy blocker.

Wait no that sounds very wrong. ANYWAY!

Janis would be home any second now while Cady is patiently waiting on the couch, all dressed up in her cute little dress.

She then heard the door unlock and the familiar footsteps walking down the hallway.

"I'm home Bambi" she announced waiting for the energetic girl to come running towards her. But today was different.

Cady sat up and slowly walked towards her girlfriend who was now standing in the living room with an amazed expression plastered on her face.

"Hey you" the redhead greets, giving a tender kiss on Janis her lips.

"Did you do all this?" Janis stares in awe, amazed by the food and candles.

"Surprise" Cady answers, she leads Janis to the dinner table where the dish is already placed.

The first dish is the tomato crème soup with breadsticks on the side and a glass of white wine. Lion is already sleeping in his bench so he won't be a bother for the rest of the day.

"KitKat, this looks amazing. And it smells so nice!" Janis takes in the smell of the soup as she sits down on the black leather chair.

"Bon apetit Sunflower"

Not even ten minutes later they've had the first round. Now up to the pasta dish. Something Cady has been looking forward to.

She walks over to the kitchen and carefully places the two plates on her arm. In her other arm she carries the little bowl with grated cheese.

"Here I present you, your favorite dish WITH extra cheese" she places the plate right in front of Janis and then her own. Putting the cheese in the middle.

"Caddie cat, you really didn't have to do this" Janis holds Cady her hands, staring into her ocean blue eyes.

She still doesn't know how she ever deserves Candy. But she knows why she loved her.

Casy is the best thing that has ever happened to her. The way she takes care of people, acts around people and is just open to absolutely everything. She's the most beautiful human being on earth.

"But I wanted to, and you deserve this. I love you Janis Sarkisian"

"I love you too Cady Heron" Janis answers after they had eaten their food.

"I have one thing left for you love" Cady as a love filled look on her face. They stand up from their kitchen table and she leads Janis to the bathroom.

The candles are still lit and the bath is full with hot water and amazing smelling bubbles.

Janis I speechless, when she was getting home she wasn't expecting this but she is absolutely in love.

"Caddie, this is perfect. How did you do this" The tall girl her mouth is wide open.

"I used a little of my own magic"

Not even five minutes later the two are laying in the bathtub, relaxing every muscle in their body after a long day.

"I think I might know what's for dinner" Janis speaks up, her hands resting on Cady her hips.

A smirk forms on the smaller girls face.

"Oh do you now?" She shots back, feeling Janis her hands move after laying still for a few minutes.


Let's just say today was a great eventful day.


Damn just a few more chapters before I'm all caught up.


A few....

Well I hope you enjoy!

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