Day 25- Christmas Day

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Christmas day, the day everyone has been waiting for ever since the start of december. The day where everyone gets their presents and the amazing dinner. But for this little family it's something even more.

Today is the one and only day Janis is going to propose to her girlfriend. The day where Janis is going to ask Cady to spend eternity with her. The day, where Janis is more nervous than ever.

But for now, let's just focus on the presents which the little family has bought for each other.

Ember has already woken up and is now impatiently waiting for her moms to come downstairs to unwrap the presents with her. She couldn't be any more excited. especially now she knows what's going to happen.

It really surprises Janis that Ember has been able to keep it a secret for such a long time. If she was being honest, she would be convinced that Ember had already told Cady about the surprise. But now, their secret was still safe with just the two of them.

"Good morning Love" Cady greeted her girlfriend, snuggling further into the crook of her neck.

"Good morning Bambi, you slept well?" Janis asked while stroking the redheads hair. She was so nervous but so excited at the same time, it was such a weird sensation.

"I really did, I had this weird but amazing dream" The dark eyed girl could feel a smile on Cady her face.

"Oh yeah? What was it about" she asked, knowing that Cady her dreams are the wildest

"It's the most amazing dream ever. We were back in Africa, and guess what? You proposed to me!" Cady excitedly exclaimed smiling to herself.

This shocked Janis because this was sort of what was going to happen to her today. She would propose to her Girlfriend, asking her to be hers forever and her Christmas gift would be their honeymoon to Africa.

Something that did calm down Janis I bit was the fact Cady was so excited about her dream. Meaning that the chance for Cady to say yes became slightly bigger. But still, Janis her anxiety is having a party in her head.

"One day baby, I love you so much" Janis hugged her girlfriend even tighter.

"I love you more. But in order to stay alive we should go downstairs to our daughter, she will probably kill us if we stay here any longer" Cady laughed, jokingly slapping Janis her shoulder before getting out of bed.

Janis laughed to, agreeing. With that the two slowly got out of bed and put on their matching Christmas jammies.

oui, you heard that right. They now own matching Christmas jammies. You have three guess who had the amazing idea... Cady Mary Heron.

After they had put on their jammies they went on their way down the stairs to join their daughter who was getting more and more impatient by the second.

"MAMMA, MOMMY YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE" Ember yelled, running over to her moms and hugged them tightly. Janis was still very surprised by her daughters excitement every minute of the day. She didn't know how Ember did it. Janis would have been dead asleep on the floor by 12pm if she spent this much energy in the morning.

Janis would typically not be awake until she had her first cup of coffee by either 9 or 10 in the morning. But that's besides the point.

It's now time to unwrap all of the presents. Something Ember has been waiting for, for a very long time.

"Do you want to know your presents Embs" Cady teases while going to sit down on the couch while Janis is preparing her first mug of coffee for the day, trying to suppress her nervousness.

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