Day 13~ Adopting a pet

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Lion exists.

The crackhead dog that they have had ever since they graduated.

How they got him was quite a funny story.

Janis once walked out of the bedroom, leaving Cady alone. She didn't say anything to her girlfriend.

She just walked out. Leaving the house and Cady then heard the car engine start.

She tried calling Janis, she really did.

But Janis decided to be a good girlfriend and don't pick up.

Ten minutes later, still no response.

But an hour later Cady heard the front door open again. Then some footsteps and the door of their bedroom opened

And she literally came back an hour ago, a puppy in her hands.

From that moment on Cady suddenly owned a dog called lion.

Don't ask any further questions, she doesn't know either.

Lion is now 3 years old, a light brown chow chow who's kind of a big crackhead.

He eats leafs, drinks from puddles and lays down on the middle of the road.

He also doesn't chase squirrels or rabbits, no. He just lays down on the ground.

But enough about Lion.

It was now Cady her turn to surprise Janis with a pet.

Yep, you hear that right.

Cady is buying her girlfriend a pet, without even asking her about it.

Right now, the two of them were just hanging out in bed. Cuddling and watching some tiktok.

Until Cady decided to start her plan.

"Baby, I will be right back. If you just stay here for a little" the redhead told Janis as she rolled out of bed.

Janis didn't even have the time to respond before her girlfriend was out of the bedroom.

Cady then quickly put on her shoes and winter coat protecting herself from the immense cold.

"But...?" Janis tried but it was already too late. Cady was gone.

"I want my cuddles" she mumbled to herself, rolling herself into the covers once again.

As Janis is waiting all alone in the bedroom, Cady already found herself in the car.

She knew to which adopting centre she would go, but had no idea about what she wanted to get the little family.

They already have their dog Lion, but she didn't know what would be the safest. Knowing that Lion is the crackhead he is, he wouldn't get along with many animals.

A cat would be a no go, those two would literally kill each other. But a bunny isn't an option either since Janis is really allergic to those.

Then what's left...

A bird? Nha too boring

Hamster? Nope too small...

A duck? No who the fuck would want a duck???

Well the only thing that's left is just... walking to the centre and do whatever.

So Cady did, she parked the Mercedes and decided to just walk in and have faith choose her path.

First the cats were shown, but she already knew that wouldn't be an option since Lion would murder them.

After that there were a ton of hamsters and mice, which also were not to be chosen.

And last but not least, the dogs....


Something they already had. And probably, one of these dogs would have their lucky day.

Cady walked through the many cages, looking at the dogs who were now barking.

Until she laid her eyes up on this one particular puppy. He had these big blue eyes which almost looked like a Disney character. His fur had a beautiful sandy color, reminding Cady of the lions that she used to live with.

It almost looked like a clone of Lion, the dog they already owned.

But this one was slightly different. It had a more feminine bone structure and the eyes were blue instead of brown.

Again, another chow chow pup.

From now on, Cady knew she would be the newest part of the family.

Not even 30 minutes the two were back on their way home, Nala, the new part of the family, was resting her head on Cady her arm.

Not even 30 minutes the two were back on their way home, Nala, the new part of the family, was resting her head on Cady her arm

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(Funfact, this is the dog I always babysit. Her name is nala and she's the cutest being alive)

The two had finally arrived home and Janis was waiting impatiently.

"Baby!" Cady yelled up the stairs as Janis ran down the hall.

"We're home" Cady finished her sentence.


"Meet Nala, our newest family member"

Janis mouth hung wide open.

"Bu... but that's a dog?" She stammered. Was she dreaming? How could this be possible.



The shortest part possible but oh well. I didn't have any time todayyyyy

And yes nala is real. She's the dog of my hairdresser and I always babysit nala. She's a big diva but we love her.

Hope you like this!

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