Day 16 ~ Baking Christmas Cookies

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Today Ember would finally get home after being at her friends for several days. Having some off time is nice for the couple, but eventually they'll begin to miss the little ball of sunshine.

And because Ember would be home soon, they've decided to do a little fun activity which will probably end up in a big mess and an hyper active Ember.

But so be it, they missed the kid.

"Jayjay, are you sure this is a good idea?" Cady asks for the third time that day. "I don't want ember to have too much sugar in her little body"

Janis walks over to the smaller girl, wrapping her arms around cady her waist.

"It's going to be fine KitKat. Ember will like the baking and we can even add less sugar. And after we can decorate them however we like. A nice fun activity" right after Janis had finished her sentence and kissed Cady on the nose. There was a knock on the door.

"Guess who's there" the two moms walked over to the door, greeted by their 7 year old daughter. And the homophobic Karen...

"MOMMY MAMMA!!!!" Ember enthusiastically jumped up and down, happy to see her moms again.

"Hi baby girl! And Miss Smith"

Let's just say the stare was immaculate...

"Hello Ms Heron and... whoever you are" the woman gave a look of disgust towards Janis, as if she was a new version of Satan himself.

"Thank you for taking care of Ember. She wouldn't stop whining about wanting to hang out with your daughter Robin. I really appreciate it" Cady put on her best attempt to a fake smile. Wanting to satisfy the older woman.

"Well no wonder she would want to get away from both of you. Y'all are a disgust to god himself" and with that the woman walked off their porch.

"Good thing God isn't here right now" Janis laughed, finally being able to let these situations just kind of pass by.

"Yeah I absolutely hate her but her daughter is great and a really nice friend to Ember" Cady comments as she walks back to the living room, hand in hand with Janis.

Ember is already sitting on the couch, playing with her new doll. It's a custom mean girls doll since she absolutely adores the movie. Little does she know it's based on her two moms.

"Do you want to do something fun today Embs?" The dark haired girl asks, matching her level by sitting on her knees.

Ember excitedly looks up, her eyes wide and a sparkle visible.

"What is it mamma" Cady has now joined the two, holding the box filled with the stuff they'll need this evening behind her back.

She knows that Ember loves baking, but they've never baked cookies. Only things like pancakes and birthday cakes.

Which they eventually stopped doing considering it makes Ember a total crackhead. Yeah sugar isn't something they would recommend to the 7 year old.

"We" Cady starts, pausing for the effect of surprise.

"Are going to bake Christmas cookies!" Ember immediately squEals, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.


Half an hour later they've prepared everything and the cookies are ready to go in the oven.

It went surprisingly well apart from the.



"Explode...." after that everything was covered in white flower, including their daughter.

And the

"JAN THE..."


"Egg box is still open" three guesses, yes the kitchen was covered in 4 broken eggs.

But apart from that the baking went pretty good. The batter was. Perfect texture and the oven did it's work.

Now waiting till the cookies are done and after that the three can start decorating.

"Tell me Embs, what do you want to put in your cookies?" Janis asks, picking her up and placing the girl on her hip.

"GRINCH!" She yells with a big smile.

"Do you want to make the grinch on your cookies?" Cady asks surprised. She can't remember watching that movie with her daughter.

"I.. I watched the movie with robin And we re...really liked. So.. so I want to make the grinch on my cwookie" Ember perfectly explained, laying her head in Janis shoulder.

And just like that they start decorticating their cookies.

The three have made 20 cookies in total. Pretty impressive if Janis says so herself.

And as they discussed earlier. They put in a little less sugar than supposed to because they know that Ember does not handle sugar that well.

Well... not good at all.

They might have been drugs for her all together.

Janis is working on a Christmas elf in her Cookie while Cady is making a Candy Cane pattern on hers.

It doesn't look perfect, but it looks good enough and they'll eat it later on anyway.

Ember her cookies, well... they're decorated?

It's not really clear what they are but she's proud of them and that's what matters.

"I say they all look perfect" Cady announces, looking at their absolute masterpieces.

"Look at my Grinch!" Ember squeals, holding up her green cookie with her proudest smile possible.

"It looks so good Embs! Do you want me to take a picture of it to show Robin later?" Janis suggests making her daughter nod excitedly.

The little family would say this has been a great day filled with joy, and they wouldn't want it any other way.


Last one for today!!!

A little all over the place and boring but so be it

Hope you enjoy!

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