Day 2 ~ First Day Of Snow

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"JAN JAN JAN" the redhead bounces on the bed. Almost crushing her girlfriend.

"Janjan wake up!" Janis let's out a groan, signaling to Cady that she's not awake yet.

"Five more minutes"

"you literally said that five minutes ago" somehow both of them let out a sigh at the same time. Cady because of Janis' actions and Janis, we'll you guessed it because of Cady her actions.

Knowing that Janis won't get out of bed anytime soon, she had to do the only thing that was left. It's called freezing hell.

"if you don't get your ass out of bed right now. I will remove the covers and you'll be frozen" Cady dared and this was enough for Janis to slowly roll, literally roll, out of bed.

"why are you up so early anyway. It's a Saturday morning and it's" Janis looked at the clock and her eyes widened. "it's 8 fucking am. I could still be sleeping right Cads" Cady blinked innocently, her lashes making her eyes look like Bambi.

"but Janjan, there's snow outside. IT'S SNOWING. I'VE NEVER SEEN SNOW BEFORE" Janis let out a groan once again. Still not being used to hyperactive Cady. Yes they have been dating for 6 years now. And they're both 22. But Cady her energy in the morning is something else.


The dark haired girl sighed. "sure" but then Cady thought of something. Considering they also have their dog Lion, they can walk him.

"Jannnnnn" you can't even imagine the look Janis gave her girlfriend. It was absolutely the most grumpy look ever.

"KitKat I wanna sleeeeeeeppp. What is it"

Putting on her best puppy eyes, the redhead began to talk "can we also walk lion. He'll love the snow I think"

Janis let herself fall back on the bed just after she began to stand up.

"But it's so cold"

"and I have never seen snow. So what's your point Jay" Cady mocked at the same tone as her girlfriend.

There was no way you could ever resist Cady her puppy eyes. Once you had seen them, it was Cady her way or no way.

"five more minutes?" Janis tried but it was already too late. A thing called freezing hell had started, where Cady grabbed the covers and ripped them off of Janis her body.

Janis didn't often sleep at Cadies, as Cady had her own apartment and Janis lived with Damian close to their arts school.

But at the times Janis did actually sleep over, she knew this ought to happen at least one time.

"okay okayyyy, I'm up. You're lucky I love you"

"I love you too" The shorter girl responded and she gave Janis a sweet kiss.


30 minutes later Cady found herself in a bright pink winter outfit. Her trousers were water proof ski bottoms. And her jacket being a thick pink winter coat. It was quite a sight.

Janis was still looking for her jacket. The jeans she had already found. Thick waterproof black trousers. But her jacket was something else.

"KitKat, do you know if I have brought my winter jacket last week. It wasn't at my home when I left" Cady shuffled over to where she heard her girlfriend coming from. "I think you did. It was raining a lot back then so you were wearing it" Cady answers looking in the big wardrobe filled with multiple pieces of clothing. But no sight of a winter coat.

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