Afterstory 1: Snowflakes

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-It's almost Christmas, what are you planning to do?

I was sitting with Kaede on the bench during P.E. We were playing basketball inside, the temperature not really ideal for outdoor activities, and I was finding myself staring at Kokichi. Surprisingly, he was pretty good at it. His small height helped him avoid the other players and he slipped through pretty easily with the ball, to arrive next to the hoop and scored. All this to say that I really didn't hear Kaede's question and she had to wave her hand in my face for me to notice.

-Hey oh!

-Ah, s-sorry, what did you say?

She laughed and said in a playful voice:

-If you stare at your boyfriend too much, he's gonna get embarassed!

I blushed. I'm still not used to all the "boyfriend" thing. It always makes me feel embarassed when someone else say that word.

-Anyway, I was asking you what you were going to do for Christmas. 

-Ah, hmmm, I'm not really sure yet...

-Me, I'm going back home and celebrating with my family.

-That's nice... 

-You live with your uncle right? Aren't you going to see him?

-Ah... Well... My uncle's always busy on Christmas. We never really spend time together in the first place. I'm pretty much always alone to celebrate, so I don't really see any point in going  back home...

Kaede shouted in an angry tone:

-That's so sad! He could at least go back home for Christmas to see his nephew!

-The agency is pretty busy with all the theft happening during that time of the year. So, I guess he can't help it.

She pouted, then went back to her cheerful self:

-Ah, but maybe you can pass Christmas with Kokichi this year!

I tensed, surprised:


-Yeah, you can ask him if he wants to stay with you for Christmas, and bring him on a date or something.

-B-but, he'll probably go back to his family. I don't want to bother him...

Her face made an expression that I didn't understand and she said:

-Yeah... I don't think so... You should ask him okay?

-... Yeah, maybe...

A smile went back to her face:

-You should see your face right now!

She chuckled as my face turned redder. I must have looked excited, I guess. That would be nice if I could pass Cristmas with him...


We heard a big crashing noise and looked at the court. 

-Gonta so sorry! Gonta didn't see Kokichi 'cause Kokichi's so small! Is Kokichi okay?

Kokichi had... flown through the court and landed on a bench next to the hoop. He sat up slowly holding his head with one hand. Gonta was next to him first and the other players reached him right after. The teacher and the people on the bench stood up to go see him and I hurried to his side.

-Hey, kid, you okay?

-Hug... ah yeah, i'm totally fine!

He tried to keep his usual smile, but seemed a little stunned. Kaede then exclaimed:

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