Chapter 9: School trip, part 2

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-Wassup bitches! The girls are here!

I looked at the door to see Miu joyfully entering the boys room, quickly followed by the other girls.

As a matter of fact, we had arrived to the inn. It was a Ryokan. We could have thought that a school as prestigious as Hope's Peak would have paid for something more expensive, like an hotel for example, but that wasn't the case. I think the school chose something more traditional to teach us the glory of the old times. I found it pretty nice, actually, unlike some of my classmates who wanted something... fancier.

Anyway, after the host had given us a meal, that was absolutely delicious, everyone went to take a bath one after the other before heading back to our rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. The baths weren't public, fortunately, because I don't know what I would have done if I had seen Koki- A-Anyway, we bathed, put our pyjamas and went back to our rooms. We didn't really know what to do, but right after Kaito came back from his bath, the girls made their loud entrance.

"What brings you here?", asked Rantaro, harboring an arrogant smile, like he always does.

"Well, this school trip is kind of a sleepover right?", answered Kaede while stting next to him, "Soooooo, we're gonna play sleepover games! Yeaahhhh!"

-What kind of games?

It was Kokichi, sitting next to me.

-Well we have a lot of ideas actually! So who wants to join? All the girls will be playing.

-I'll join!

Kokichi was raising his hand, excited like a little kid.

-I'll join too.


-Looks like fun! I'm in! You're playing too, right Shuichi?

Kaito, harboring a big smile.


Kokichi raised his fists in the air:

-Yeaaaaahhh, Shumai's playing too!

It made me smile.

-Alright, anyone else?

-How interesting. I'll be happy to see the results of this event up close.

-Gonta wants to play too!

-I'll join as well.

Korekiyo, Gonta and Kiibo also entered the circle of people who had formed in the middle of the room. Only Ryoma stayed on the side lines. Kaede turned toward him:

-You don't want to play Ryoma?

-I'll just watch from here.

-O-Oh... Okay then.


We all had gathered around Kaede. I was sitting between Kokichi and Kirumi. She then said:

-O.K, let's start with Kiss, Marry, Kill. Does everyone know how to play?

We all nodded.

-Alright I'll start! Hmmm... Shuichi! Kiss, Marry, Kill between me, Maki and Kaito?

That had started pretty rough. I don't really like to be the center of attention. I thought for a second before answering:

-I think... I'd kiss Maki, marry Kaede and... kill Kaito. S-sorry Kaito!

He faked dying dramatically and everyone laughed.

-Don't worry about it sidekick.

-Okay Shuichi, your turn.

I took time to think, because I didn't want to make someone embarassed or create an awkward situation, then said:

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