Chapter 8: School trip

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- O.K class, like you all know, tomorrow is the beginning of the school trip to Kyoto. To arrive in time, you'll all have to wake up early, 'cause the buses leave at 5 in the morning. We won't be coming to get you in your dorms, so if you don't wake up, well too bad for you. Noow I know I won't be able to give a class with you all excited because of the trip, so class is dismissed, do whatever you want with your time left.

Immediatly after the teacher finished his sentence, an excited hubbub took place in the classroom. Everyone was talking about the upcoming trip and we could that everyone was enthusiastic about it. That's right. We're going on a school trip tomorrow. I had almost forgot, with all that was going on lately. 

I saw Kaede and Kaito coming to my desk, dragging Maki behind them. 

-Hey, I don't know you guys, but I'm really looking forward to it.

I let out a small laugh, seeing Kaede's eyes filled with excitement.

-I can see that.

-Try to wake up tomorrow Kaito, I'm sure you could miss the buses and had to stay here.

-Who are you taking me for?

I listened to Kaede and Kaito having a lively conversation about all the things they'll do during the trip while looking around the class. Everyone looked really cheerful. I could see Kokichi talking with Gonta and Kiibo in the corner. He was getting along more with our classmates recently. That makes me kind of happy.

We then heard the bell, anouncing that the classes were finished. 

-Ah! Sorry, I gotta go, I said I'd be doing something with Rantaro today. See you tomorrow!

I waved my hand at her as she walked away.

-Hey Maki, we're still training tonight yeah?


My two other friends also went their own way. I then saw Kokichi coming, like everyday.

-Are we going?


I went back to the dorms with Kokichi. We hung out a little, had supper and went to bed, eager to see the next day coming.


-Okay everyone's here! You can choose where you sit, but you won't really be able to change neighbours, so choose someone you won't want to rip his head off after two hours. Hurry up the bus is leaving soon.

I turned around to see Kaede and Rantaro, as well as Kaito and Maki heading toward the bus. They'll probably sit together. I then felt someone pulling my arm, and a tuft of purple hair entered my field of vision.

-Shumaiiiiiii! Wanna sit with me?

I smiled at him and nodded.

-Alright then! Let's go!

He pulled me into the bus, and we took two seats in the front. After everyone choosed where they were going to sit, the bus left. The two places next to our seats were left emptied, but everyone sat with another person, even Ryoma who found himself sitting next to Kirumi. The sound of conversations filled the inside of the bus. I talked with Kokichi for a while and when we didn't knew what more to say, we each did our own thing, me reading a detective novel I had started recently, him playing some game on a console he had brought. 

Some time passed, when I felt a light weight on my shoulder. I turned my head to see that Kokichi had fallen asleep and was now resting on my shoulder. Looks like waking up this early was too much for him. Well, I felt pretty tired myself. I closed my book and dropped it in my bag. I also put away Kokichi's console, who was laying on his knees, for it not to fall and break. My eyes then returned on Kokichi. His face looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Like a child. Cute.

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