Chapter 4: Concern

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Saihara-kun was standing in the doorway, his face flushed, visibly out of breathe.

-You made it in time, congrats! The teacher's not here yet!

After hearing Akamatsu-san's declaration, everyone started to applaud. I joined in as well, finding the situation quite amusing. He made an embarassed look and made his way to his desk, pulling down his hat to hide his reddened face. The little incident had the effect of lightening up the mood of the students, leaving the classroom in a cheerful atmosphere. The teacher entered the room not long after and headed to the front.

-O.K class, take your seats. I see that everyone's here. Perfect. Today, we'll be working on a short individual project. Miss Tojo, if you would please pass these sheets to everyone.

-Yes, of course.

I stood up, took the stack of paper our teacher was handing to me and started passing them to the other students. 

-Thank you Kirumi!

-Thanks pal!

-T-thank you...

I arrived at Ouma-kun's desk, where he was laying on, his arms stretching , his cheek against the table. 


I stared at him a little, surprised not to hear an exclamation or a sarcastic comment. I continued passing the papers and returned to my desk after I was done.  


After first period ended, I was assailed by requests, like the usual.

-Kirumi can I copy your math homework? I kind of forgot to do mine yesterday.

"Of course Akamatsu-san, here.", I said, handing her what she asked. "I can even do it for you if you want"

"I don't think that will be necessary, you already help so much, I can at least do this." she replied with a light laugh.

-Alright, but if you need anything else, I'm always here to help.

-Thank you Kirumi, you're a life saver!

"Nyeh... Kirumi, I'm hungry. Cook something for me.", asked Yumeno-san, with the same bored tone that she always maintain.

-I don't think she can do that now, Himiko! There's not even 10 minutes left to the break!

-Unfortunatly, Chabashira-san is right. But I'll be glad to cook for you later today and any other time you want.

-Nyeh... Alright, thank you Kirumi.

Like the usual, a lot of people came to ask for advice or assistance, but one person wasn't acting like his usual self. Ouma-kun was sitting at his desk, looking at his hands with the same innocent look that he always have, but he was awfully quiet, him who constantly has something to say on everything. 

I heard my name at the front door. 

-Miss Kirumi, could you please help me carry these documents to the staff room?

-Yes, I'm coming.


I climbed the stairs leading to the roof. I stopped at the top, replaced my dress and opened the door to find Ouma-kun eating alone, looking the people walking in the courtyard below. I knew he wouldn't have any company. I don't really see Ouma-kun hang out with a lot of people. They have a distinct tendency to avoid him, knowing his liar's abilities. But I know he's not really a bad kid. Some things just happen to make people like this sometimes. 

Noticing my presence, he turned around, a surprised look on his face, quickly replaced by a pure smile.


He stood up and jumped on me to give me a hug. 

-What are you doing here? Wait- How did you find me? And here I was thinking I had found a good hideout, I'll have to find a new one...

He pouted, and sat down where he was a while back. I held my dress beneath me and sat down next to him.

-So, what brings you here? 

-To be honest, I was wondering if something happened. You seem a little down today. 

He tensed a little before returning to his usual grin.

-Nothing's wrong, it's just hard to be a supreme leader of evil, you know.

I could see he was lying. He was usually a really good liar, so much that I even fall for his tricks sometimes. But, something was definitly up if he wasn't able to hide his feelings.

-Ouma-kun, I know you don't really like to open up to others, but you can talk to me if you want a sympathetic ear. I can also give you advice if you need to. After all, I'm the Ultimate Maid. It is my duty to serve anyone who's in need of assistance.

He looked at me with big eyes, then started to look at the ground.

-Promise you won't tell anyone?

-Of course, I promise.

He pulled his knees onto his chest and started playing nervously with a strand of hair.

-I'm scared that... Shuichi hates me... He started avoiding me yesterday, and I don't know what I did wrong... Maybe he just started hating me like everyone else 'cause he realized I was an annoying lying brat...  

He paused, still looking at the ground, and said in a more a quiet voice.

-But... I really don't want him to hate me...

I made a kind smile and said:

-Saihara-kun is not the type of person to hate someone just like that. If you don't think you did anything wrong, then it's probably not that big of a deal. He probably just have something on his mind at the moment. I'm sure everything will work out soon. And if you're really that worried, you can just ask him what you did and apologize if it was wrong.

He looked up at me and stared a little while before a bright smile lightened his childish face.

-Thank you mom!

And he hugged me once again.

-Don't worry. And if something bothers you again, you can just come to me.

I then stood up:

-I'll be going back now. I probably have a lot of people in need of my help right now. You should also go back soon, afternoon classes will start shortly. Now if you'll excuse me.

-Bye mom!

I turned my back to him, a relief smile painted on my face. I'm relieved it wasn't something worst. I opened the door to the roof and went back downstairs, preparing for what was waiting  for me down there.


I could sense a little smile make his way to my face. Kirumi's so nice. Her words cheered me up a little. 

 I was still a little concerned at that moment, but I was about to see that she was right.


Going home time! Well... I guess I'll head back now... Shuichi probably still doesn't want to see me...

I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I turned around to see exactly the one who occupied my thoughts standing behind me.

-K-Kokichi, can I talk to you?

Yeahhhh, a little cliffhanger. Well I think. I'm so bad at this. 

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