Chapter 7:Comprehension

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The red room again. But this time it's different.

-Heyyyy detective! You caught me again, huh?

Kokichi, a bright smile. Smile...

-L-Looks like it...

He stood up.

-But, I still won't tell you where I hid the gem! Nishishishi!


-You seem really cheerful today.

He looked at me.

-Hmmm. Maybe. Well it's because of you, you know.



I was sitting on the bed.

-Hey, detective!

I looked at him. He approached. Pushed me to lay me down. He was above me. 

-You look startled.

A chuckle.


His face approached mine. W-What was he doing? I tensed up, closed my eyes.  He whispered right in my ear:

-I look forward to next time.

He stood up. My eyes reopened. A satisfied smile on his face. And he ran to the exit.

-Bye-bye, detective.

I suddenly sat up on my bed. W-W-W-What was that? I brought a hand to my mouth anf felt the intense heat that had rose to my face. Why... did these dreams looked... so real. 

-I look forward to next time.

Another wave of heat made her way to my face as I remembered that moment. It was like... if he really was whispering in my ear. I let myself fall backward and folded up my pillow around my face. What did he even mean by that? Looking forward to next time. How does he know if there'll be a next time or not. And what was that dream anyway. The first time was because of the key. The second was like a memory of the first. But now... it was different. I continued thinking, searching why another dream had made his way to my mind, until I saw the time on the clock in my room. 

It was eight. Time to prepare myself to go to school. I stood up, changed clothes and took the things I knew I'd need today. Without forgetting the hat I always wear, I decided to go out of my room and made my way to the dining hall of our dorms with the objective of eating breakfast in mind. 


I entered and saw that almost every person of our class was already sitting at the main table, probably eating what Kirumi had cooked for all of us. I started advancing toward my group of friends but suddenly stopped in my tracks. I had almost forgotten that I was mad at them. I had so much fun with Kokichi that I forgot I had a disagreement with Kaito and Kaede. I looked at the rest of the table. Unfortunatly, Kokichi wasn't there. Himiko, Tenko and Angie were in a corner. Gonta and Kiibo seemed to be in the middle of a cheerful conversation. Miu was fiddling with a strange looking machine. Korekiyo was sipping tea. I still don't know how he can eat with his mask on. Rantaro didn't seem to be doing anything in particular, but I always found him a little... ominous. The only ones missing were Kokichi, Ryoma, Tsumugi and Kirumi, who was probably still in the kitchen. 

I stayed put for a while, not knowing where to sit, before deciding to approach Gonta and Kiibo. 

-C-Can I... sit with you?

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