Chapter 5: Tranquil

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A little more than one week has passed since I started hanging out with Kokichi again. Approximately one week ago, I called out to him before he goes back to the dorms.

-K-Kokichi, can I talk to you?

He looked at me and I could see a shadow pass in his eyes, but it quickly faded away and he returned to his usual childish smile.

-Of course, Shumai! Let's go!

He took my hand and forcibly pulled me outside the classroom.

-A-ah! W-where are we going?

-Well you wanna talk right? So let's have a talk!

-Y-yeah but- Where are you bringing me?

He didn't answer as we got out of the school.


He walked a while longer and suddenly stopped on his tracks. He then let go of my hand and turned around. His grin had diseappeared from his face and  he looked nervous, almost sad. He was looking at the ground, hands behind his back, going back and forth on his heels when he said:

-Shuichi, do you hate me?

Surprised, it took me a little while to answer:

-W-what? N-no I-

-Did I do something you didn't like? Or is it because I'm a liar?  


-'Cause you started avoiding me all of a sudden, I must have done something to make you mad right?  Or did you just saw how an awful person I was and started hating me for that?

-That's not it at all-

-I-I can try my best to be better. Just tell me what's wrong and-

I grabbed his shoulders causing him to stop the back in forth that had increased during the time he spoke.

-You've got it all wrong!

He looked at me to look away again and said in an uncertain tone:

-But isn't why you wanted to talk? To tell me you didn't want to hang out with me, 'cause I'm an annoying lying brat-

-Of course not! I don't hate you at all. And I don't think you're an awful person either. When I said I wanted to talk, I wanted to tell you that... I'm sorry! Because I avoided you for no reason at all. You didn't do anything wrong. I just... had a lot in my mind I guess...

-So... you don't hate me?

He was looking at me with big pleading eyes.

-O-of course not...

His face illuminated, and at that moment, I saw one of the brightest smile I've ever seen in my life. He jumped on me and gave me a thight hug with his little arms. I suddenly felt myself panicking. I put my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him away, looking at the ground, trying to hide my face now bright red.

-R-right. So...

I didn't knew what to say, but fortunatly, he did.

-Can we play video games together then?

I let go of his shoulders and looked up a little.


He smiled and we started heading back to the dorms.

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