Chapter 2: Loneliness

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I'm bored...

Shuichi's eating with his friends right now. 

I felt the fresh breeze of March caressing my face. 

It's nice. Choosing the roof like hiding place was a good idea. 

I stayed a little without doing anything, feeling the air brushing against my skin. I then felt a vibration into my pocket.

I took out my phone to see that Akira sent me a message. She's always worrying about me. I opened the message app to reply while bringing the bottle of Panta I was drinking to my mouth.



  So, how's your school time doing? 

You didn't do anything too sketchy that we have to help out right?


I can take care of myself 

 I'm your leader after all!

I drank another sip of my drink while staring at the three little dots on the bottom of the screen.



So did you make any friends?

I stared at the screen for a split second... Yeah, like I could...


Yeah of course!

I have tons of them!

How could an amazing person like me not have friends?

The dots again. 


I'm glad 

But if something bothers you, tell me Kokichi

 I'll come to you by any means necessary  

She's the only one calling me by my name. The others all call me boss or something like that. Doesn't really bother me though. She's nice, but it feels like i'm being scolded again.

                                                                                                                                                                      Panta's King: 

  Everything's fine

 I'll tell you alright? 

 Well see you

I put back my phone in my pocket. I lied again. I always lie. Why can't I say the truth?

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