Afterstory 4: Play

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-Hey, Kokichi... do you have any memories of the key that fell off my pocket that one time. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about...

He turned on his stomach, to look at me properly, leaving his game console for a bit. He leaned on the edge of the bed, as he was on it and I was sitting on the floor next to it. 

-Oh yeah, that weird key! It was strange isn't it? Like, when I found it that day, I kind of fell asleep out of nowhere to wake up on my bed later. I must have been really tired, huh?

-And hmm... did you see that key again afterwards?

Question mark on his face.

-No? Why would I? It's yours, isn't it?


He returned to his game, as I went back to my book. I wonder what was the deal with that key? Kokichi doesn't seem the remember the dreams either. Did I just imagine it? I don't think so...


I opened my eyes... to see Kokichi hugging me. A light blush climbed to my cheeks. That's right, we fell asleep together last night. I watched his peaceful sleeping face a little while longr before waking him. I gently shook him up, talking in a whispery voice:

-Hey... Kokichi, time to wake up. We have to go to school.


He groaned and curled up a little before slowly opening his eyes. He then brought a hand to his face, putting his bangs aside to scrub his eyes with both of his hands while sitting up. His hair were all messy and he was still half-asleep. So cute. I helped him preparing, trying to tidy a little his curly hair for example, while preparing myself at the same time.  After eating breakfast in the dining hall, we headed to class.


-Okay, so we have to prepare for the school festival next week. To be more welcoming for the other students, the direction decided to prepare events not directly linked to your talents, or at least not all. So your class ended up with the play. I made a small list with original and entertaining plays, so just choose one of these. I'll let you a free period after this for you to start preparing it. Also, you have to prepare it all, 'cause the staff is too lazy. Anyway, I'm going on a break, so just start or whatever.

The teacher then left the room. Everyone started talking enthusiastly. Kirumi ended up in the front, being the most responsible, with Kaede, who was really excited by the upcoming festival.

-Okay so we have to choose a play first! Kirumi wrote all the titles on the board.

The plays were indeed original, because I've never seen any of these titles before. Everyone started arguing one which one we should do. Kiibo then made this statement:

-What's The Key to his Heart about?

Kaede then answered, reading the little summary the teacher had made.

-Looks like it's about an amazing thief that no one had ever caught, but that one day, a young detective passes really close to catch him. After that, the detective and the thief play a game of tag and steal, the thief, finding the detective interesting, having challenging him. The detective, trying to understand what the thief is thinking, leading to an amazing plotline. There's also some kind of romance at the end, when the detective finally undertands the thief's feelings. 

I paused. This story feels way too familiar.

-That looks amazing!

-Yeah, I vote for that!

-Yeah me too.

In the end, everyone agreed. Kaede then continued:

-Okay so we have to choose who's gonna play the characters! Let's start with the mains! I... vote for Shuichi to be the detective!

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