Chapter 6: Amusement

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-Hmm♪ Hmm ♪ Hmm-Hmm ♫!

-You seem really happy about it.

I turned around, now walking backwards, to be able to see Shuichi who was walking behind me for a while now.

-Of course! I get to go at my third favorite place with Shumai.

-How long is even your list?

He giggled. I smiled. I like his laugh. It's always so... pure. Or innocent. He don't force himself to laugh. When he laughs, it's always spontaneous. And I'm able to make him laugh like that.

-Nishishi, that's an evil supreme leader secret. I can't tell you!

-K-Kokichi watch where you're going. You're gonna fall.

I turned to face the route again, and continued my walk, avoiding the cracks in the concrete, doing my best not to fall off the curb, jumping on the lines drawn on the ground. Shuichi followed me, visibly amused by my childish behaviour. But it was fun! And I was so happy to go somewhere with my Shumai!

-So, where are we going?

-Almost there!

We turned the corner and finally arrived at our destination.


-An arcade?

-Yup! Come on, let's go!

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

-So what are we doing first?

-I-I don't know Kokichi. You can choose.

Oh... I wanted Shuichi to choose something...

-Hmmm... Then let's play this!

I pointed at a fighting game.


I put two coins in it and the main menu appeared at the screen. I was pretty good at that game. I spend a lot of time at this arcade and I really like fighting games, so I've become really amazing at it, to be honest. I put the cursor on my favorite character, a trickster with a cloak using cards for projectiles.

-O.k, I chose my character, which one do you pick?

-I think I'll take... this one.

He chose a knight. Really like him.

-Okay then, leeeettt'sss start!

I was way better than him, to be expected. He didn't really know how to play, so he just smashed the buttons trying to understand all the different attacks we could do. I won pretty easily, but:

-Let's do it again.

I looked at him a little surprised. He had such a serious look on his face. I chuckled before answering:


We played a couple more rounds. He learned really fast and the more we played, the more he analyzed my pattern of attacks. That's to be expected from the Ultimate Detective. I still beated him each time though.

-Alright, it's your turn to choose something now!

He looked at me for a few seconds, then around to see the other games.

-Hmmm... I'd like to try this one.

He pointed out a rythm game.


I didn't liked them that much, probably because I'm incredibly bad at these, but if Shuichi wanted to play that one, then that one it'll be.

-Y-You can start, Kokichi.

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