Chapter 13: Slumber

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I slowly opened my eyes. I was still sitting in front of the TV, my back leaning on the bedframe. A thin blanket was placed onto me. Looks like I fell asleep during the movie last night. I brought a hand to my face to slightly rub my tired eyes, when something at the corner of my eye made me tensed in shock.

-Oh! Good morning, sleepyhead.

Kokichi came out of my bathroom, a towel on his head, trying to dry his messy hair. He was only wearing a hoodie too big for him, that I recognized being mine, and didn't seem to be wearing any pants. I felt my face burning and stuttered:

-W-W-W-Why are you-

-Oh yeah! I used your shower. I also borrowed a shirt. It's too big for me though.

-B-But why did you take it?

-Well, I didn't have any other clothes and it was too troublesome to go back to my room, so I just stayed here and took some of yours. It's pretty comfy, by the way.

I stared, too stunned, before nervously looking away. I could see a perplexed look on his face at the corner of my eye, before he moved and lied on his stomach, just above me one my bed. 

-So, what do you wanna do today? It's Sunday, so... 

The question distracted me, so I returned to normal, in appearances that is. I didn't know what I wanted to do this weekend though. Just at that moment, the timing being way to perfect, I received a text from Kaede. I grabbed my phone and looked it up:

Private chat


We're going to the mall with Rantaro, Maki and Kaito

Wanna come?

Kokichi looked over my shoulder to read.

-The mall, huh...

I looked up at him and said:

-Do you want to come with me?

A smile illuminated his face:

-Yes! Let's go!


I tapped a quick reply, saying that I'd go and that Kokichi also wanted to come. She replied with enthusiasm and we promised to meet up at 1:00 PM in front of the mall.


-So why are you still wearing my hoodie, again?

-'Cause I want to, that's all!

I sighed, looking at Kokichi walking playfully in front of me, my hoodie on his back. Even when we went to his room, he kept it and didn't want to give it back. Well... he's kind of cute in it. I felt my face becoming warmer and shook my head, embarassed of my own thoughts.

-Shumai, we're here! Everyone's right there!

He grabbed my hand and started to run toward them, me trying to keep up with his pace behind him.

-Hi guys! 

-Hi, Kayayday!

-Well then, everyone's here, so let's head inside!

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