Chapter 14: Catching feelings

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-Ehhh? Kokichi's sick?

I nodded. The weekend was finished and I was eating with my friends at the cafeteria. Unfortunately, Kokichi hadn't returned to school, still in his room.

-He seemed fine at the mall though. Why didn't he tell us he wasn't feeling well?

I brought a hand to my mouth.

-I'm not sure, but... I think he didn't want everyone to worry... and ruin everyone's fun...

Kaede suddenly hit the table with both her hands:

-Of course we'd worry! We're his friends after all! He should have said something sooner...

I nodded again, a concerned look probably glued on my face, as she sat down, trying to calm down. I then replied, forcing a smile:

-He said it's just a cold, so we shouldn't worry.

-Well, it's probably true, so we just have to wait for him to get better.

She must had seen the look on my face, because she then said:

-But you're still worried right?

I looked up at her, then said in a lower voice:

-Well, he had quite a high fever when I brought him to his room...

She seemed to think a little, then said with a determined smile:

-Well you just have to check on him after class!

-B-But he said-

-I don't care what he said, you're going to see him! 

She then leaned toward me and whispered right in my ear, just low enough for the others not to hear:

-You don't want your little crush to be sick anymore after all.

She leaned back and smirked, while I felt my face turning red. I came to lower my hat, but I had forgotten I wasn't wearing it. Kokichi helped me getting my confidence to remove it, then the day after I forgot to put it back. Everyone was a little surprised when they saw me without it, but seemed pretty happy for me, getting hold of myself I guess. After that, I just took the habit of... not taking it with me. It almost feels like... a weight down my shoulders. Kokichi really is amazing... 

So, without a hat to hide my reddened face, I just buried it in my arms. 

Kaito just seemed a little perplexed, but didn't seem to pay too much attention to it. Maki, on the other hand, made me a weird look. She probably suspects something, even if she doesn't know what exactly. She's pretty sharp after all, unlike Kaito who's... a little airheaded. Rantaro just made one of his mocking smiles. He probably already knows. I'm pretty sure he's the one who took the picture of Kokichi and me sleeping in the room at the school trip.

The bell rang not long after, and we all headed back to the classroom. It's decided, I'll go see him after class.



I woke up in my bed, still a little dizzy. Argh, I feel awful... I sat down, holding my head. Do I still have a fever? It should be gone by now. I tried to get up, but my vision blurried. I guess not. I sighed loudly and let myself fall back on the sheets. I guess sleeping on the floor without any covers wasn't a good idea... 

I let out a small cry. Ahhhh! I'm so weak! It kind of frustrates me how weak I am. It's been three days already! I pouted and turned on the side to see the bear Shuichi had given me. Shuichi's strong... He didn't get sick like an idiot like I did... I wish he was there...

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