Chapter 12: Rejuvenation

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After that incident, life returned pretty much like it was before. I continued to ignore Tsumugi, now driven by a real feeling of aversion toward her. Looks like my injustified hatred wasn't for nothing after all. Maybe I'm just good to see people true nature... because I'm always hiding mine... Well, was. After all, Shuichi saw through my mask. That didn't change much though. He acted like the usual, or maybe...even more friendly than habitually. It didn't seem to bother him to see me like that. It kind of makes me happy. Maybe trusting someone isn't that bad after all.

I smiled at myself, and glanced at Shuichi who was in the corner of the room talking to Kaede. 


I see myself looking for him more often since then. I wonder why... When i didn't have any friends except Shuichi, I was always looking for him for sure, 'cause he was the only one who didn't despise me. But now, I don't know why... I just find myself looking at him without even knowing why. He's just... so bright. 

I saw him laugh. His smile... I really love his smile... It's like a sun piercing through the dark clouds of a stormy day.

He glanced at me. I quickly turned away. Eh? Why am I embarassed? It's not like I was doing anything wrong. What's... going on?


I saw at the corner that Kokichi was staring at me. He turned his head the other way when he saw me looking at him. That's odd. Does he need something? I said to Kaede that I was going to see him. She answered with a smirk and a thumb up. I felt embarassed. It was a relief to tell someone about it, but sometimes, I regret it a little. I approached Kokichi's desk and stopped in front of him. It had become easier to talk to him over time, but there's always this little nervousness who appears each time. After all... I like him.

-Are you okay? D-Did you need something?

He looked at me, and I saw a glimpse of... I don't know what it was. I never saw something like that in his eyes. Well anyway, it quickly faded away after he spoke up:

-Of course I'm okay! An evil Supreme Leader must always be at the top of his game! Are you sure it isn't you who need something from me...

-Ah... No, I'm fine.

-Okay then!

A cute smile. He was playing around again, though it seemed more like a joke than before. I'm happy he could open up to me. I didn't know he felt like that at all. I always thought he seemed like a really strong person, and I admired him for that. Seeing him so down like that, so fragile, like he could break at any moment in my arms... It made me so sad... and mad at the same time. I swear I'll do everything for him not to feel like that ever again.

-So do you want to eat with us today? Or maybe you want to eat with Kiibo and Gonta again?

Kaede had told everyone that the problem had been resolved peacefully and insisted on the fact that Kokichi wasn't the culprit. She kept a secret from everyone who the real culprit was, like she promised, and everything went back like it was before.

-Hmm.. Nah, I'll eat with Shumai today!

I was kind of happy about that. I smiled at him just as the teacher entered the room. I went back to my desk and got ready for class.


-You're dating?! Ohhh! Hahahaha! 

Kaede had almost yelled, talking with an excited voice who was becoming higher and higher.

-That's interesting. Well, with all the time they spend together, there had to be something going on.

Rantaro smirked. He had took the habit to eat with our group after Kaede invited him one time. 

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