Chapter 3: Dream

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-Aw man, it's been a while since I landed in trouble like this. Trapping me in a place like this... That's very like you mister detective.

Kokichi, a grin on his face.


-You're planning on tyin' and roughin' up my body, aren't you? That's why there's a bed, huh?

-N-No, no, you've got it all wrong!


Geeeeez, I was willing to let you do whatever you want to me... since I love you, Shuichi...



If you're not gonna do anything, then maybe I will.


-No need to be scared... What do you think I was gonna do to you?


-Don't you feel the same, Shuichi? You weren't bored playing with me, were you?


Hey, Shuichi... What would you do if I told you that I wanted you to catch me?


He stepped forward, and as he did I stepped backward. I hit the bed


He pushed me onto the bed. My heart's... beating so fast.

-K-Kokichi, wait, wait!

He stopped.

-...Just kidding.


He ran toward the door.

I stumbled, my legs feeling weak. Why was he leaving?


I woke up, my heart pounding, my face burning. Why did I dreamed about that again? And... Why did I think that I didn't want him to leave!

I brung my arms to my face, still blushing like crazy.

I don't know how it happened. Two days ago, on my way to school, I found a pink key shaped like a heart on the street. For an unknown reason, I felt drawn to it, like if a force was pushing me toward it. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, before running toward the school, worried about being late. I kind of forgot it was there though. After all our classes, Kokichi came to me. He said he wanted to play a game with me, like almost every day, and we headed to his room. 

-Here! Come in, come in! 

He grabbed my hand and rushed inside the room.

-I wanna play this!

He had in his hand the box of a fighting game.


He made me a big smile and we started playing. He was way better than me, but I was having fun.

-What's that?

He had stopped looking at the screen for a second and had noticed the key I found in the morning that had fell off my pocket. He grabbed it and then-

And that's when we ended up in this weird dream where I, a detective, was chasing him, a phantom thief. I woke up right after he left the red room we were in. We were still in his room, him, still sleeping, leaning on my shoulder, peacefully. I felt really... panicked? I don't know how to explain it, but I suddenly felt the urge to leave real fast. I couldn't let Kokichi sleep on the floor, so I lifted his small body, put it on his bed and hurried back to my room. Strangely, I couldn't find the key anywhere.

The next day, I felt... like something had changed. He didn't seem to remember what happened. He came to me in the morning, like if the strange event didn't even took place or that he didn't really care. He was acting a little different than his usual self in the dream too, so I came to the conclusion that I was the only one to remember. 

But... I couldn't really face him after that. I excused myself the first time I saw him and avoided him the rest of the day. I was still realising that... I like him. 

But... I lied to him when he caught me after school. 

-Don't you feel the same, Shuichi? You weren't bored playing with me, were you?

I don't know why, but that sentence reminded me of my behaviour yesterday. It was a little rude to just avoid him like that. I should apologise to him... 

Maybe the fact that it appeared in my dream without really some sort of connection with the other sentences was an hint, my subconcious telling me to stop avoiding him. I shouldn't have done that. Nothing changed... except for me. I'm still his friend. So... I don't have the rights to act like he did something wrong.

I stood up and looked at the clock.

-Ah, 8:30 already!

The dorms were a part of the campus, and so they weren't really far from where I take classes, but I was still late. I quickly changed clothes and gathered my school things. I didn't really have time to eat breakfast, but it didn't bother. Before coming to this school, I wasn't really eating anything in the morning. The others just kind of forced me to eat a little before going to class when they discovered I didn't. I grabbed my hat and left, hoping not to be late.

This chapter is a little shorter. Well, that will probably continute to happen, the chapters becoming shorter and shorter, 'cause i'm trying to cut where its logical, but that's what it does. Also, I'll try to change POV's inside chapters soon. I won't say it clearly, cause I don't like to cut my text, but there will be a sign, [*...*] like this.

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