Afterstory 3: Hesitation

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-Hey, what are you listening to?

I turned around to see Shuichi standing behind me, his hand lightly laying on my shoulder.

-Hey Shumai! 

I made a big smile and he sat next to me. I then took one of my earphones out of my ear and held it toward him. He curiously took it and brought it to his ear. At first he seemed surprised, but soon, a relaxed smile reached his face. Kind of cute. 

-That's really nice.

He was looking at me. That made me blush a little and I looked down. We stayed there a little without saying anything. After a while, I felt a slight weight on my shoulder. Shuichi had fallen asleep. I giggled. We're outside silly. I stared at him a little. He looked so peaceful. 


I really want to... Should I? I tilted my head, and, careful not to wake him up, slightly approached my lips of his, but stopped midway. I then opted for a kiss on the cheek, and turned my head back. where it was. I sighed. I want to, but... 

He didn't do it since our Christmas together. He hasn't really did anything but holding hands. I feel a little... I don't know. I'm pretty sure he still likes me, but I feel restless anyway. I wonder if he likes doing these things with me... 

I layed more onto Shuichi and closed my eyes. 



-Hey isn't that Shuichi and Kokichi over there?

I turned my head to see where Kaito was pointing.

-Looks like it.

-What are they doing there? 

-Don't know.

-Are they sleeping? In the open like that? They're gonna catch a cold if they stay there, right? Shouldn't we wake them up? Yeah, we should! Let's go Makiroll!

-I don't think you should-

He didn't listen to me and headed toward them. I sighed and followed him. He's really annoying sometimes. He shook Shuichi's shoulder, a little too hard, causing the two boys to wake up.


Shuichi woke up abruptly, leaving him confused, while Kokichi took his time, I could say, still laying on Shuichi, one hand on his sleeve, the other rubbing his eyes.


-Hey you too, you were sleeping outside! You should go back, or you're gonna end up sick!

You really could have let them sleep, it's not that cold outside. Shuichi thanked Kaito and stood up, helping Kokichi to stand up, him who was lazily raising his arms, waiting for Shuichi to lift him, still half-asleep. We then all headed to the dorms, which was where me and Kaito was heading before all that. Kaito kept on talking, keeping Shuichi's attention. I ignored him like the usual. Kokichi walked a little behind with me, and I could see that he seemed a little... upset. We could think he was jealous, but I don't think that was exactly it. He seemed... sad. 

He noticed my stare and looked away. I don't think he likes me that much. I patted his shoulder causing to tense up. Am I that scary? I sighed then made him a sign to us walking a little further behind. Perplexed, he slowed down his pace. Kaito and Shuichi didn't notice. I then ask him in a low voice:

-Hey, what's wrong?

He jumped a little, nervous.

-N-Nothing... Why do you ask?

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