Chapter 11: Fallen

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The red room. Kokichi, standing, turning his back to me. He turned around. A forced smile.

-Oh! Hi detective. We meet again huh?


He walked slowly a round the room, looking at nothing in particular.

-Are you... okay?

He looked at me. Surprise. Then false smile again.

-Of course why would I not be?


He was sitting next to me, eyes lost in the void. He stood up, walked slowly toward the wall, stopped. Turned:

-Hey... Sorry. Looks like I wasn't okay after all.

I tried to reach out to him. The world twisted around. My vision blurried. He didn't moved. Toy hands or gloves grabbed him. Sad smile... Held back the tears. He was disappearing, eaten by the wall. His hand, reaching to me, wanting me to grab it. But I couldn't. He fell into the void.


I woke up, panting. What just happened? I thought a little before realising:

-Do you feel like that for real, Kokichi?

 If that's the case... He was reaching his hand to me. Does he want me to help him? I stood up and before I knew what I was doing, I was in front of Kokichi's room. Guilt and hesitation filled me, but I didn't back down. I had to see him. I knocked lightly at his door:


There was no answer. He's he still sleeping? I looked at the clock in the hallway, realising I had no idea what time it was. 7:30. We didn't have class today, but Kokichi usually wakes up early. Did he already left? Or... I grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it:

-It's... unlocked?

I opened the door a little wider.



W-What! What's Shuichi doing here? N-No don't come in! I don't want Shuichi to see me like that. Please, go away...


I saw him, sitting on the floor next to his bed. I approached slowly. I think he heard me entering, because he burried his face in his knees, holding them thight against his chest. As I came closer, I could see him trembling. 


He slighty raised his head to look at me. His eyes were red and swollen. He had been crying. I sat next to him. He had difficulties looking at me. I came to put my hand on his shoulder, but his trembling intensified, so I stopped my movement. 

-Don't you hate me?


-Well, you heard everyone right? I was the one who did it. I'm an horrible person.

-That's not true.

He looked at me.

-I don't think you did it.

-Why? I'm a liar after all. Are you saying you believe a liar like me instead of your friends.

He had talked louder, almost desperatly.


A look of confusion:


-I said yes. I believe in you. I know you wouldn't do something like that to Kaede. 

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