Chapter 10: Astray

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It's been 3 days since we came back from the school trip. We had a lot of fun! We visited Nijo Castle and we could see a really beautiful view from up there. We also went to a popular shrine. Kokichi tripped and fell into the pond, dragging Shuichi down with him. It was kind of funny, but we had to go back to the inn for them to change clothes or else they would have catch a cold. Anyway, we visited and saw a lot of things and I took a lot of photos. My favorite ones aren't exactly from the places we went to though.

I laughed, trying to be discreet, but the teacher noticed that I wasn't listening to the class at all:

-Kaede, care to share what's so funny with the rest of us?

-Ah, s-sorry!

A few chuckles filled the room, as my face turned slightly red from embarrassement. I tried to concentrate on the class, but I wasn't able too. My fangirling took the upperhand. 

I think that... Shuichi has a crush on Kokichi, or maybe is already dating him. It's been a while since I started thinking that, but this idea strengthened during the school trip. The way Shuichi acted was definitly suspicious. 1: He seemed embarassed when they were close of each other. 2: When we found Kokichi after we lost him in the crowd, Shuichi proposed to take his hand to supposedly "avoid losing him again", but I think there was another reason too, or maybe it was a good excuse. 3: I have cute pictures, and not just the ones when they're sleeping together, where they seem a little too close. And 4: Kokichi seems to be the more at ease when he's with Shuichi, him who has difficulties getting close to others. 

Ding dong, Bing bong!

Aaaand, I didn't listen to class... I guess I can borrow notes from Kirumi later. I should really stop bothering her though... Anyway time to go eat!


Our group of friends had took the habit to meet directly at the cafeteria, for the times when people have a quick thing to do before eating or something like that. I spotted our usual table, where Shuichi was waiting alone. I sat next to him:

-Hiiii, Shuichi!

-H-Hey, Kaede.

-The others aren't there yet?

-Ah! That's right, I didn't tell you. Kaito said that him and Maki had something to do today, so they won't be coming today. Kokichi will probably arrive later, I guess.

-Hmmmm... These two are getting awfully close, don't you think?

-Y-You think so?


At that moment, Kokichi arrived and tapped lightly on Shuichi's shoulder. He turned toward him, and I did as well. He seemed a little nervous for some reason:

-H-Hum... Gonta and Kiibo asked me to eat with them today.

Shuichi's face lit up:

-That's great! 

-You're not mad?

-Eh? Why would I be? It's great that you're making friends.

Kokichi smiled brightly before going to see his new friends. Shuichi's silly smile remained as he turned back toward the table. A smirk made his way to my face. I asked:

-Hey, Shuichi, I was wondering something.


I then approached and whispered close to his ear:

-Are you two dating?

He paused for a second before his face turned bit red.

-W-W-What? N-No!

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