Chapter 15: Cherry Blossoms

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The red room. I'm back here again. Kokichi's sitting on the bed, swinging his legs. He saw me.

-Hi, mister detective! You caught me again, huh?

You seem too happy about that. Aren't you supposed to run away from me?


He suddenly stood up, walked toward me and stopped right in front of me. He smiled brightly. He seems... so happy. 


He grabbed my hand, pulling me onto the bed. I fell on top of him. Him still holding my wrist. A childish laugh, clear as crystal. 

-Detective... Try to obtain the stolen gem location! It's your job isn't it?

Another laugh. So pure.


We, sitting on the bed. He let himself lay on my knees. I blushed. He laughed, seeing my face. He sat back.

-Why are you so embarassed detective? 


He grabbed my sleeve and stared at me. I sinked in the depths of his eyes. He opened his mouth. I, fixed on his words.

-Hey... You should tell me.

My eyes opened. Somehow, I felt... different than the other times. It seemed so real, but at the same time... so far away. Like if a wall of glass was standing in front of me, blocking me from approaching Kokichi. Like a veil in front of my eyes, blurying my vision. We didn't seem that appart in the dream, more like we were both holding back, still hiding in our own world... Telling him... I thought about it before, obviously. Kaede is always pressuring me to say it too. But... I think I'm scared. Scared he doesn't like me back. Scared he pushes me away when he hears it. Scared that all we lived together was just lie and disappears.

But at the same time... it's like if a something in my heart had lightened up, a small opening waiting for me to push the door and take a step forward. 

In the dream, he was smiling. That smile. I don't really understand these... travels..., maybe I'm making this all up, but... I felt like Kokichi was really there with me. That it was his true self. And this smile... he seemed like he was expecting something. Maybe... just maybe... he wants me to tell him... 'cause he likes me back?

I made up my mind. Even if it's all in my head, I'll try. I won't run away anymore. I'll see what you truly feel Kokichi, and make my way to your heart.



I nervously stamped on the floor with my foot as I glanced around me trying to take a glimpse at Shuichi in the back.

-Hey brat, stop it, will ya!

I stopped, embarassed, as Miu returned to her work. I can't even control myself! What's going on! I took a glimpse at Shuichi, who looked really serious, concentrated in the task we had to do for homeroom. So cool... I suddenly dove in my arms, almost knocking myself on the desk, causing Kaede, sitting next to me, to jump. My face heated up. I feel so nervous just being in the same room as him now. How am I even supposed to tell him-

Ahhhh! Should I really? He probably don't like me like that. He's just kind enough to hang out with me, that's all. Well, I can probably just tell it was a lie if it bothers him after. Like that, he won't start hating me. It'll probably work well. But, if he says no... will I be able to keep a straight face... 

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