Chapter 16: The Two of Us

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And another beautiful day at school begins! I opened the classroom's sliding door and entered. A lot of people weren't there yet, surprisingly. Well, I had arrived sooner at school than usual, but still. Nor Shuichi, Kokichi, Maki, Kaito or Rantaro were there yet. Well, I can probably talk to someone else for once. I approached Angie, who seemed to be drawing something while humming, her usual joyful smile stuck on her face. 

-Hey, Angie! 

-Oh, well hi Kaede.

Her voice is always so charming. I looked at the sheet of paper she was drawing on:

-Whoa! That's so amazing! You're really talented.

-Well, Atua's the one making the art, my body is only a vessel for his grandiosity. But Atua will gladly take the compliment. 

She's always been really onto her god, and she says that all her decisions come from him. It's nice that she is so into it, but it would be great if she took the credit sometimes. At that moment, Shuichi and Kokichi entered the classroom, talking with big smiles on both of their faces. I heard the sweet voice at my side:

-Atua says that the fate of these two boys has been sealed and that they will find happiness. 

I was a little surprised. I didn't think that Angie was the type to notice these things.

-By fate, you mean...

-Yes, yes! Their life is now intertwined. Nyahahaha, how divine!

I smiled awkwardly. She wasn't making a lot of sense. Well, I guess she always had been like that. I looked back at Shuichi. He seemed a lot happier than yesterday. I wonder... If what I think is right, Angie's really scary. Well maybe she saw it and that's why she knows... If not, remember me not to upset Atua. The teacher then entered the classroom, and I went back to my desk, waving at Angie as she waved back. I'll ask Shuichi later.


We were at our usual place to eat. Rantaro asked:

-Hey, Kokichi is not coming today?

Shuichi lifted is eyes:

-A-Ah, he'll probably be here soon...

And just as he finshed that sentence, the person in question arrived, jumping on Shuichi from behind, enclosing his arms around his shoulders. 

-Hi Shumai!


Shuichi's face blushed a little as Kokichi sat down next to him. The conversation continued cheerfully, but my eyes were fixed on those two. All throughout lunchtime, Kokichi found ways to stay close to Shuichi, leaning toward him, grabbing his sleeve to tell him something, making him tilt to talk in his ear. Shuichi, even if he was still embarassed like usually, also seemed happier... or less panicked if we could say. I smirked. Is it really what I think?

Alright, don't rush things, he'll tell you when he's ready. But I really wanna know!

And I found myself following him around all day. He probably saw me a bunch of time, as I saw him make a perplexed look. But I wanna know! As I was hiding near the staircase, waiting for Shuichi to get out of the bathroom like a stalker, I sensed a hand tapping my shoulder and jumped. I turned around to see a smirk I knew pretty well.

-So, still stalking Shuichi?

-Ahhhh, Rantarooooo. Shhhh. And I'm not stalking. I'm... collecting info.

He laughed:

-On their relationship?

-Ah! So you think so too, huh?

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