Chapter 12

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Later that evening....

Theodore: it's nice to see you awake detective.
Jay: who the hell are you? Where's my daughter?
Theodore: I'm Theodore, I'm sure you've heard of me. My granddaughter is in the other room.
Jay: you better not hurt her.
Theodore: only person I'm going to hurt is Erin, that bitch sent me to prison.
Jay: you fucking tried to kill her you psycho.
Theodore: this time I will succeed, I will make her pay.

Erin: Hey have you guys from jay.
Will: yea, he said he was bringing Bella to cindy's, but that was a couple hours ago.
Erin: something doesn't feel right, I'm going to call Cindy.

Cindy: hey Erin, how are you?
Erin: could be better, hey did Jay bring Bella yet.
Cindy: no I thought he was just going to keep her. Is everything okay.
Erin: I'm not sure, I have to go.
Cindy: let me know if I can help.

Erin: Hank somethings wrong we can't find jay and Bella.
Hank: I know I'm in the garage now they found a body. I got Antonio going look at surveillance cameras.
Erin: Hank you know who this is. He wants me.
Hank: We will find them.
Antonio: I got the video from the cameras, looks like Halstead put Bella in her seat and when he went to get into the car Theodore knocked him out. He has the car, we can put a boo out on it.
Erin: Find them hank, I can't lose them.
Hank: you won't, we will find them.

Hank: Antonio get the team and meet back the district, tell Burgess i want her to stay with Erin. Me and Al are going talk to some people. See if you can get a location.

Hank: I gotta find them Al, this will break her if we lose either of them.
Al: Jay and Bella are both going to be fine.
Hank: I hope so.

After an hour of searching Antonio finally found a location on jays cars. Hank and al went around asking CI's if they had any info. 

Theodore: so tell me jay, what made you think you could marry my daughter without my permission.
Jay: I didn't know you, and I asked her real dad.

Theodore punches jay in his face a couple times.

Theodore: Hank is not her fucking dad.
Jay: he's been more of dad to her than you have. You tried to fucking kill her. No wonder she has never spoken about you. She doesn't fucking care about you.
Theodore: your right she doesn't care about me, but she cares a whole lot about you. How would she feel if I shot you.

Theodore Steps back and fires 3 shots at one in his leg, abdomen, and his right shoulder.

Theodore: how about we give Erin a call.

Erin: jay.. jay...
Jay: Er....
Erin: baby where are you? Is Bella okay are either of you hurt.
Jay: in some building, I don't know how Bella is...
Theodore: Hello Erin....
Erin: Where the hell is my family?😡
Theodore: my granddaughter is sleep in the BBB next room, but your husband has 3 bullets in his body.
Theodore: Fine then how about this.

Theodore shoots jay 2 more times this time it's 2 to the stomach.

Erin: hold on baby we're going to find you.
Theodore: not before he bleeds out.😈

Hank: we got an address, and a location on jays car. Be ready to roll in 5 minutes, when we get to the location locate Jay and Bella.

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