Chapter 17

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Erin: Are you doing it today?
Jay: yea, the guys are probably already waiting for me.
Erin: we'll see you later and tell the guys I said Thank You!
Jay: I will, I already promised them a beer 🍺 and pizza 🍕. So once we finish we'll come back here.
Erin: okay let me know when your on your way and I'll order it.
Jay: alright, love you see you later.
Erin: love you too!!

Jay left and met the guys at the new house while Erin went to lay back down with Bella. The guys had started with Bella's room, they painted it light pink and light purple. Erin didn't know but, the furniture for the rooms had already came in so Bella's room was painted dried before lunchtime. After lunch they put the furniture and set up the room, it was absolutely adorable.

Antonio: I think Bella is going to love it.
Jay:  I really hope so, now let's head to the little dudes room.
Kevin: what's the colors in here?
Jay: Navy blue, grey and yellow. His room is a outer space/stars ✨ theme.
Adam: that really cool, i like that. Im guessing this was Erin's idea👀?
Jay:  actually yea, I said safari theme. She said it's basic and everyone does it so she suggested this and I loved it.
Antonio: I love the idea, let's get started.

Erin and Bella were finally up, Erin decided to do a mother daughter pamper day. The girls went out for brunch, then headed to the nail salon. They spent the next few hours getting their hair done. Before they head back to the house they stopped and grabbed some ice cream.

Erin: can I get 2 single scoops of strawberry 🍓 ice creams.
Employee: sure, any toppings?
Erin: whip cream and a cherry on both.
Employee: okay I'll have you total ready at the end of the counter.
Erin: Thank you!
Employee: y'all total is $7.45.
Erin: here you go.

Erin hands her $20, and tells her to keep the change. Erin and Bella went set at one of the tables and ate their ice cream 🍨.

Unknown: Hey, i know you, I've seen you before!
Erin: umm 🧐 I'm not sure. Who are y.....
Unknown: wait your that girl that left.. umm.. umm Erin, Voights kid.
Erin: yea I am, who are you?
Unknown: you know when you left you broke my sons heart.

The man sees her sitting with a little girl, and then noticed her belly!

Unknown: wait you got a kid, does my son even know your here.
Erin: y....
Unknown: wow I'm not surprised at all, you up and leave my son move to New York, and now what your back with another man child. Not to mention one on the way, you really are like your mother, my son knew better than to marry a whore!!!
Employee: excuse me ma'am do I need to call the police.
Erin: no it's fine, my husband a cop! Come on Bella let's go home.
Erin: yea let's go see daddy!!!
Unknown: I'll be seeing you around!!
Erin: for your sake, you better hope not.

Erin and Bella left and was now  on their way to the apartment. The guys had finished up the babies room, they also set up the new furniture in the primary, as well as the man cave. All that was left to do was the kitchen, dining room and guest bedrooms.

Jay: Hey, we're finishing up over here. Can you order the pizza and I can pick it up or have it delivered and I just pick up some more beer.
Erin: okay, can you grab me some chocolate candy too.
Jay: Er... what's wrong?
Erin: Nothing...
Jay: Er.. Baby something is bothering you.
Erin: I'm fine...
Jay: really, you only eat chocolate when your upset and now your saying your fine. What happened?
Erin: fine, while me and Bella was out getting ice cream some older man started insulting me.
Jay: why didn't you call me sooner i would've came? Did you get his name or a description?
Erin: there was cameras at the ice cream store, but he knew me!
Jay: what do you mean?
Erin: he called me by my name, said I was Hanks kid, he even knew about bunny.
Jay: That's creepy, look I'm almost there I'll stop at the store on the corner for the beer and  just have the pizza delivered. I don't want you home by yourself.
Erin: okay, we're turning into the apartment now. When I get inside I'll order the pizza.
Jay: I'll see you in a few.

Jay stopped at the store to grab the beer, Erin and Bella made it home safely. After she got Bella settled she ordered some pizza for the guys. Jay was on his way when he received a phone call.......

Jay: hey, what's wrong?
Jay's dad: why does something have to be wrong. I'm was calling to see if you were busy, see if you wanted to catch up.
Jay: well I'm inviting the guys over for pizza and beer, you can join if you want to.
Jay's dad: I can't pass up on free beer.
Jay: do you know where I live?
Jay's dad: at those apartments rights?
Jay: yea!
Jay's dad: I'll see you in a few!
Jay: alright.

Jay made it back to the apartments, he went inside and put the beers in the fridge.

Jay: Er.......
Jay: Erinnnn....
Jay: Babe....

Jay started to panic, he went to look in Bella's room and she nor Bella was there so, he went to their room. Erin and Bella had fallen asleep watching frozen again. 15 minutes later the pizza had arrived, jay paid and left the driver with a nice tip. The guys were almost there.
After about 20 minutes the guys had arrived, jay handed everyone a beer. They set in the living and just hung out.

Antonio: are you ready for baby number 2?
Jay: I'm really excited, like with Bella I was there when I had a break. This time I get to be here full time.
Adam: I still can't believe your married.
Kevin: yea, that was like the biggest shocker of all. I am happy for you both though.
Jay: Thanks guys! If I'm being honest my life was incomplete without her. She's my motivation, now she's my forever teammate. I can say from the moment I met her I knew I would marry her.
Erin: awww ☺️ you're my forever teammate. You do know I love right.
Jay:  Of course always and forever.
Adam: You two need frame all that cuteness.

✊✊✊ 🚪 ✊✊🚪

Jay: it's probably my dad, he said he would stop by.
Erin: this is my first time meeting your dad.
Jay: I've told him about you before, so he she be good.

Jay: Hey dad, this is my wife
Erin: Get out?
Pat: unbelievable!
Erin: I said get out!
Jay: what's going on?
Erin: This is the guy from the ice cream shop earlier.
Jay: Wait, dad your the guy that disrespected my wife.
Pat: i didn't know you married her!
Erin: it doesn't matter you had no right.
Jay: Er calm down, we're less than a week from your do date. To much stress can cause an early labor.
Erin: I know.. I know.....
Pat: why didn't you tell me you married her.
Jay: no one knew about it.
Pat: how long have you been married? what about the little girl she was with is that yours too.
Jay: 2 going on 3 years, and yes she's my daughter.
Pat: how do you know that for sure, did you get a blood test?
Erin: EXCUSE ME...
jay: I don't need a blood test to tell me she's my daughter.
Pat: i would get one, I know she use to sleep around.
Jay: Alright is time for you to go, I'm not going to stand here and let you insult my wife.
Bella: mommy🥺
Erin: come here baby girl, it's okay.
Bella: Daddy🥺🥺
Jay: hey princess, did we wake you up?
Bella: yes!
Pat: she has your eyes and freckles, she's looks like you when you were a little boy.
Jay: I know, that's why I didn't need a blood test. Now my wife asked you to leave so go, she'll reach out to you when she feels comfortable.

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