{Chapter 10}

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A/N: So... I have bad news. I think I might be coming down with writer's block so I'm going to take a couple of days off from writing which might be extra sad for you readers because this chapter ends on a cliffhanger. Good news tho, I will post the next chapter on New Year's 🎊 and chapter 12 will probably be out on January 5th 🎇 since they are both holidays.

🎄Happy Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! And enjoy the chapter.

P.S: The flashback is from the short story When Gilly Met Devin.


{3rd person P.O.V}

Jax and Heath did a friendship handshake only they could pull off. Devin and Gilly hugged and laughed at how they are meeting each other for the second time in over five years. They started talking about past times like the time Jax and Heath threw a bucket of water on their older sisters, Rapunzel and Snow White. They still remembered all the pranks and mischief they caused even if it was when they were younger than five years old. Gilly was thanking Devin for the bread and money she had given her all those years ago.

Maxine, Kayla, and Ollie were looking for Jax and Gilly and found them talking to two royals and noticed three other royals who just wore confused faces. Who are they? As what was going through all six of their minds. It took a moment but the four lost friends realized their friends were just looking at them with bewilderment.

"Oh, um this is my best friend, Heath. Snow White's brother," presents Jax with a wide grin. Ollie gives Heath a glare but no one notices.

"I guess it makes sense that you know another royal but," Maxine turns to Gilly "how do you know one?"

Gilly grabs her arm and looks down before chuckling nervously. "He he, it's a funny story actually..." everyone waited for the story. "We kind of met while I was trying to get bread from the Gnome-olia bakery for my family but didn't have enough money," She struggles to continue the story and Devin notices so she helps her fill in some details and adds her side of the story. They told their friends how Gilly helped Devin when Brody and Bernard were bothering her and how they became friends.

<< Flashback Six Years<<

[Devin's P.O.V]

Where have you been?" Mother demanded when I finally made my way back to Gnome- olia Bakery. She was standing out front, her arms loaded with bags. She must have been waiting for a servant to take them to our carriage.

I smiled to myself. "I was with a friend," I said. Could I call Gilly my friend? I wasn't sure, but it felt like we could be friends if we were given the chance to spend time together.

I wondered if that would ever happen.

"You never came back to order food for that peasant girl," Mother said.

The word peasant sounded harsh on Mother's tongue. It still pained me that Gilly wouldn't take my offer to buy the small boys anything. They seemed so hungry, and the rat said the family never had enough to eat.

"Mother," I said, forming an idea. "Is there time for me to still go back inside and order them something?"

"Yes," Mother said, looking befuddled as she passed over her money satchel for me to use. "But where is the girl?"

"It doesn't matter," I said cryptically. I rushed back inside the shop and went straight to that mean goblin. When I told her what I wanted to do, she looked like she might fall over.

It was priceless.

I really wish Gilly had been there to see it. I had a feeling she'd appreciate it.

[Gilly's P.O.V]

I put Mother's change on the counter. "I guess we'll have to do without bread for supper."

Mother sighed. "It's not like we haven't done without it before."

There was a knock at the door and the boys ran for it. My little sisters, Anna and Trixie, were due back from the fairy garden soon, so I assumed it was them. But when Han opened the door, no one was there. Instead, there was a large sack. Hamish lugged it inside.

Mother frowned. "I didn't order any deliveries. I better see if your Father did." She rushed out the backdoor of the kitchen and into the part of the boot that was our shop.

Mother was barely out the door when the boys opened the bag.

"Look!" Hamish shouted. "It's rolls and patty-cakes!"

"And hot cross buns!" Han added.

The aroma wafted into the room.

"But how?" I wondered. There was no way Sierra had a change of heart. I walked over to see.

"There's a note," Han said. "I can't read it. Can you?"

I opened up the cream- colored paper and noticed the handwriting, impeccably neat and formal.

Thanks for your help today. I know you said you didn't need any help, but friends thank friends when they do something nice for them.

Hope you don't mind the rolls and sweets.

Sierra will be expecting to see you the rest of the week to collect more. You have a tab to burn through. (You should have seen her face when I told her!) Until we meet again.

— Your friend, Devin

"Was that the girl at the bakery?" Hamish asked, his mouth covered in thick, white cream from a patty- cake.

"She was really nice," Han agreed, taking a bite of a hot cross bun.

I picked up a warm roll and held it in my hand.

Your friend, Devin.

It might be nice to have a friend outside the boot sometimes. Even if she was a royal. I doubt we'd cross paths again, but you never know, I guess.

Enchantasia, I was quickly learning, was full of surprises.

>> Flashback Ends >>

Who would've thought it. After six years they finally crossed paths once more. But, why now of all times? Could there be a reason fate brought them together after all this time?

All ten of them walked to where the party was being held. It looked like everyone in the village had come. "So, why are you all the way over here?" asks Kayla curiously.

The royals stop. They had forgotten why they had come and their hunger and thirst had disappeared. At least, for the time being. Their memories of a certain Fairy Godmother came to mind and sent chills down their spines. "We saw Olivina by the forest and decided to look for her," explains Sasha. It didn't sound that good of an explanation but it's as good as it got.

"We got lost in the woods and this is the first place we saw," adds Devin.

"How long were you out there?" asks Jax.

"Two and a half" they all replied in sync.

"Aren't you hungry?"

They nodded in response and were led to the food tables. In the center of the room were a few people dancing to "Gnome the One You're With" by Gnome-More but soon left for some refreshments after five apple pies and twenty patty-cakes were eaten between the hungry royals.

All of a sudden, the lights in the room dimmed and the air seemed to get colder by the minute. There were gasps all around and some faint screams.

The heroes turned to look at the source of it. In the center was the last person anyone would've thought possible would arrive. Even looking their way made you regret it. They were all thinking the same thing.

It's impossible...

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now