{Chapter 15}

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A/N: sorry for not posting it yesterday like I said I would but the whole chapter got earased and I had to go to bed but here it is.


{3rd person's P.O.V}

"How could you not have checked if you smelled something burning?!" yelled Jax while looking at Jack.

They were currently being chased by three dire wolves (or Canis Dirus if you care for the scientific name) each about five feet tall. After only thirty minutes of sleep, the royals and reformed students heard howling and after figuring out what had happened, started to run. Now they were here in the middle of the forest running for their lives from extinct wolves. This is definitely not a coincidence they found them. Gottie has to have something to do with it and sure enough, the witch was keeping a close eye on them from her new office back at Fairy Tale Reform School.

The large, ferocious canines were quickly catching up to them and definitely not going away any time soon. The others had to figure out a way to get them off their trail.

"Don't blame me for this Prince" Jack yells back with a mocking tone.

"We all smelled something burning but were too tired to think much of it so both of you stop bickering and help figure out a way to not get us eaten!" both of the boys look back to the person who just berated them. They were shocked to see it was Gilly with the look she had when she first got to FTRS.

She was tired of hearing them both do nothing but argue with each other. She knew she was in the middle of it all being the reason for part of their quarrel. Over time it has just gotten worse and she has had it with both of them, even if she had a small crush on Jax.

"But he-" started Jax before being interrupted by Gilly.

"I don't care who started it! And in a few minutes it won't even matter since we'll all be eaten if you don't help!"

Jack laughed at her scolding towards Jax but she then turned to look at him with a glare that made him immediately shut his mouth. The rest of them had heard and were a bit shocked at Gillian. She hadn't acted like that in about four years.

"Hey guys! Look at that tree!" exclaims Devin. "It can hold all of us and it's too high up for the wolves to follow."

"But they're too close! We won't have time to climb without them coming too close!" cries Raina.

Ollie looks through his muddy jacket and says, "I can throw a smoke bomb but it will only distract them for a few seconds!"

"I can help" a shy but strong voice called behind them. AG was scratching her arms and neck as she was running. They knew what she was thinking, it would only be a matter of moments before she turned into a beast like her father had because of his curse.

Once they got close enough to the tree, Ollie threw a bright pink smoke ball at the three predators. While everyone else kept running to the big tree, AG only ran a couple feet before turning back and turning into a medium sized beast. She was three feet taller than the dire wolves but it was still three to one.

The tree was taller than the Royal Academy which is saying something. "There's no way we're getting up there in less than an hour," says Maxine.

"Don't be so sure," says Heath while pointing up at the tree towards something moving as fast as lightning. Logan.

"How can you climb so fast?!" Sasha yells to Logan.

Logan looks down to them and regrets it the second he does it so he clutches tightly to the tree. "I'm highly motivated!" He keeps climbing and the others look at each other before hurrying up to climb up.

Back with AG the smoke was clearing up and the wild canine carnivores didn't hesitate on attacking her. They surrounded her and jumped on top of her in sync. After some biting and pushing, one of the wolves went towards AG but she threw it at a tree before it disappeared into thin air.

This gave her an idea, she kept throwing the last two trying to make them hit a tree. But before she was able to do anything else, they stopped. Their eyes turned black and disappeared like the other one.

"Gottie must have gotten tired," AG thought to herself as she turned back into her human self. She then went to the others and started climbing to join them at the top of the tree.

Unfortunately, the reason Gothel had made the dire wolves disappear wasn't because she was tired. Someone had knocked at the office door and the person had taken up her time.

Everyone was at the top of the tree now but no one dared sleep after what happened in the morning. They were right to do so.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now