{Chapter 20}

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A/N: I still need to write the battle scene which will take place next chapter. Fortunately, I'm done with the last two chapters. Yay! Also, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to DarkFeyMagick who helped me write this. Thank You!


{3rd person's P.O.V?}

This is it. The final battle. Who will end it? Who will win?

Gillian Cobbler, Jackson Porter, Devinaria Nile, Heathcliff White, Kayla Wingtip, Ollie Funklehouse, Sasha Briarwood, Logan Nederlander, Raina White, Maxine Hockler, Jocelyn, Allison Grace, and Jack Spriggins. All against the two most powerful magic beings, Gothel and Olivina.

They face each other in fighting positions. This battle will determine Enchantasia's future -no pressure. Then again, it's nothing they haven't seen before.

Something that caught the heroes' eyes were the people held captive by the mind-controlled minions. Anna was really scared, she had never been on this side of the battle before. Well, with the exception of when she decided to help her family by joining the quorum in the last battle. She looked at her family, "Was this how Gilly saw me?" She couldn't help but feel ashamed of her actions, even if it has been four years. She knew that it must've been worse for Gilly than for her because she wasn't mind-controlled and decided to go down the wrong path by herself.

"Give up now! You don't stand a chance against us!" exclaims Olivina with a cocky smile. Behind her was a dilapidated-looking school made up of grey bricks and dark purple rooftops with a broken pirate ship at the top. To "top" it all off, it was on fire! It was wreaking havoc!

Gothel looks at her in confusion, "us?" Realization hits her and she laughs a diabolical laugh. "Have I not told you?"

"Tell me what?" the fairy asks cautiously.

The witch flashed her a cheshire grin. "I only needed you so I could exploit your powers and make them my own," she looks straight into Olivina's eyes and murmurs an incantation. The gang only looks in shock as magic spins around Olivina before transforming into a sphere and attaching itself to a staff Gottie made appear out of thin air.

Olivina now looked exhausted and her hair became so messy it looked like a bird's nest. Her flamboyant clothes now turned into torn rags. She looked like Ella before her Fairy Godmother showed up. She looks at her hands with an appalled look, "My powers!" As she started running towards some safe place, Gothel put her in an indestructible bubble to keep her from doing any trouble.

"Now... where were we?"

Maxine was the first to talk. "You took advantage of her even though she helped you with your plan?!"

"Well, yes, did you not see?" she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, let us get this over with." She raised her staff as lightning somehow found its way towards it before bringing it down against the ground, making some sort of small earthquake which made everyone around her -except for her minions- fall back to the grass.

The battle has begun.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now