{Chapter 19}

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A/N: I AM SOOOOOOOOO SORRY! This is super short, super fast, super bad, no wait it's horrible! 😭 Please forgive me but I only had a couple of hours to work on it today because I've been sooo busy and I didn't want to delay it since tomorrow I won't have time to do much because of school and all. There will only be probably three more updates before this comes to an end. I will try to go back  and make it better once I finish it but right now, this is the chapter you guys get. Again, Sooo sorry. 😓


            Thanks for the voting in the necklaces! There is a tie tho so, I'm still waiting to see which one is more popular amongst you.


{3rd person's P.O.V}


With Lily being controlled by the fairy godmother, they are also connected while the magic still holds. As a result of that, Lily could hear what they had said and Olivina could too. They knew she was there already so, what was the point of her hiding?

She comes from behind the plants and smiles while walking towards them. Her wand placed in her left hand, she moved it in circles and from side to side as she mumbled an incantation. "Flammes," is the only thing they could hear before fire started coming from the mouth of the dragon once more.

The fire was coming straight towards them and the only thing they could do was run away from there. They had almost made it to a clearing with rocks big enough for them to hide by when...

"Agh! My leg!"

Looking back, they could see AG limping to where they were standing. She had tripped over a tree root when she was trying to escape. Jocelyn went to help her along with Maxine and barely made it a few steps back before fire hitting to where AG was.

"Hey, look!" exclaimed Jack as he pointed to Lily.

Olivina was walking up her wing and onto her back, mounting her. Devin looked angrier now. "You stay away from her!" she started to run in her direction but the fire was in her way and Sasha stopped her before getting too close.

The fairy just gave her an evil smirk. "How about you come back to the school and take her back?"

Lily started to fly up into the sky until she and Olivina disappeared from sight. After grabbing a sturdy tree branch and tying it to AG's leg with a piece of cloth, they were ready to follow Olivina to whatever she had planned for them.

"You sprained your ankle but it'll heal eventually. But, there is no way you will be able to run so we'll have to make a stretcher," Ollie tells AG.

She didn't like the idea of them stopping to build a stretcher when they should be heading to go against villains. Luckily, Jocelyn was able to build one with her magic and they were all able to follow a trail Olivina and Lily had left in the clouds when they left.

And so on they went, back to Fairy Tale Reform School where the final battle would take place.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now