~Chapter 4~

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{Devin's P.O.V}

Me, Heath and Logan are trying to find Raina and Sasha after they left us at a dress shop. As we are searching for them, I see a baby brown rabbit whose leg got hurt. Of course, knowing me, I picked him up to take to Royal Academy to heal him. After the whole Olivina thing, they let me bring hurt animals to help them get healed. It wasn't that specific but when I was asked what one of the heroes of RA wanted, that was my answer. It's been pretty quiet around here since Enchantasia was falling to ruins and Olivina making her evil plans four years ago. However, she is still on the loose and Enchantasia isn't protected from her. Some say she lost the courage to show her face again while others say she's planning her next plot. Who's right? Who's wrong? There is no knowing for sure but one thing I do know is that we shouldn't let our guard down and expect the worst.

"Maybe they're at that new shop, what's it called again?" Heath scratches his head in question. I look up at him, being that I'm a bit shorter than him. His raven-black hair and chocolate-brown eyes could make any girl swoon -which they have. We've become very close over the past years and I've come to like him more than I used to. He started helping me with my animal patients and tells me we'll be ready if Olivina strikes again when I get nightmares and tell him about them in the morning. He's just so charming, sweet, ki-

"Ariel's Pearls! They said they wanted to see what they had at Ariel's Pearls!" Logan snaps me back from my thoughts. The three of us rush to find the store, me, holding the rabbit protectively to make sure he didn't fall. We might have been heroes, but that won't be able to get us a ticket out of detention if we're late.

We spot them talking to Rapunzel and some guy with blond hair, a navy jacket, and khaki pants that looked like a uniform. His back was towards us so I couldn't recognize him. Since they're talking, Logan, Heath and I decide to take a moment to catch our breath.

After about a minute, they said goodbye as Rapunzel and the blond boy went inside a carriage to their destination. Sasha and Raina turn to each other and Raina sees behind Sasha to see three royals gasping to catch their breath. We go towards them and they give us amused looks. "What happened to you?" says Sasha.

Logan tries to explain but is still having difficulty breathing normally so he tries to do weird signs with his arms and some choked out words. "We.... we were.....eh....you" he gives up with a sigh, if you can call it that.

Being the first one to recover, Heath is the first to talk while making sense, "You left us back at that shop and we didn't know you had left until we searched it all so we had to run all the way here. We don't want to be late now do we?" he raises an eyebrow at his sister who rolls her eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, we still have..." she looks at a clock on a store and her brown eyes turn wide "we're going to be late! Come on, what are you waiting for?!" the four of us look at her with a "so now you listen to us" look.

~A few minutes later~

The next carriages approaches us and we get inside before telling the coachman where to go. When we arrive about a mile from the invisible barrier that guards the Royal Academy, we say our thanks and the carriage disappears from sight. But not before I give a juicy red apple I bought this morning to one of the pegasus.

Class won't start for a half hour so we take our time walking to the entrance. "Is there anything to eat?" The voice startles me. I had almost forgotten about the hurt rabbit I have on my arms.

"Once we get to the animals class, there will be lettuce and carrots. Don't worry..umm," he looks at me, understanding that we were never properly introduced.


"Nice to meet you Daniel. I'm Devin,"

"I've heard about you, you're the one that can talk to animals and heals them!" his eyes glistening with excitement.

"Yes, I-"

There was a shuffling sound from the trees and bushes around me that made me stop abruptly. I could see movement from the corner of my eye so I suddenly turned to my right which is where the sound and movement were coming from.

I almost drop Daniel as I processed the shock that was wrapping around me. I can't believe my eyes.

I can't believe what I'm looking at.

Or should I say, who I'm looking at.














Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now