{Chapter 17}

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{3rd person's P.O.V}

Quietly walking through the woods trying to find something to fight against the kids. You would think it would be easy to go against a bunch of kids but they are clever which poses a challenge. What she would do to eradicate them for what they did to her.

"One wooden bow and twelve magic arrows done. Here, now you can defend yourself. Ollie, here are some *yawn* magic smoke bombs and I think that's it." The annoyed voice caught Olivina's attention. She followed it until she came upon a large tree with thirteen teenagers. Found you!

Question is, how am I going to take you running back? She looks around for something to help her. She walks away a few miles to find something useful. Her eyes landed on a spider web that had a tarantula. "It's not much but you have to work with what you have," as she took out her wand, a cricket started jumping towards the web.

Olivina stopped midway. She didn't want to miss the spider and accidentally hit the cricket. Her magic could not be wasted on meaningless stuff. As the insect came closer, a bearded lizard suddenly pounced on it and ate it whole. Hmm, maybe a lizard is a better animal for the job.

She changes targets and hits the reptile with her magic. She was now under the fairy's control. With magic encircling it, she felt herself growing every second until she was as tall as a dragon. Olivina saw the resemblance to the feared beast and added wings to the mix.

The now dragon felt herself flying to the tree where the kids were. Looking down on them with big grey eyes. She could smell their fear and could obviously see their expressions when they saw her.


"Drooping Dragons!"


Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now