{Chapter 13}

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A/N: Sorry for taking this long to update this short chapter but I hope you like it. I will be trying to update once a week but forgive me if it takes longer because with in-person school starting up again, I have to focus on my homework more😒 Anyway, enjoy.


{3rd person's P.O.V}

Gothel was sitting in what once was Flora's Office like Rumpel had. She has always preferred being original, but following Alva and Rumpelstiltskin's past plans to take over Enchantasia -with a few adjustments so they actually work- will help her accomplish her ultimate revenge scheme. All she had to do is stick to the script and everything will go exactly as it's supposed to go.

"Those so called heroes will never survive. At least, not by accident," Gottie just had to wait until they were deep enough into the woods. She was thinking about her next move when Flora and Harlow opened the door, interrupting her thoughts.

"Your army is ready Madame Gothel. All that is left is finding the targets." States Flora.

Gothel stands up from her chair and walks to the front of her desk. Leaning on it, she shakes her head in understanding. Harlow and Flora look at each other with fear in their eyes. Noticing, Gottie looks at them expectantly. "Well? Do you have a plan to know their whereabouts?"

The "former" villains looked around, finding anything but the person the most interesting thing in the world. Gottie sighs as she tilts her head back slightly and brings her thumb and index finger from her right hand on the opposite sides of her nose bridge.

Harlow then clears her throat louder than she meant to. "I have been working on a Vision Sphere." Gottie cocks an eyebrow in interest. "But it is taking longer than expected."

"If that's all then you are free to leave,"

Flora and Harlow exit the office and Gothel goes back to her chair. Hearing their footsteps recede, she pulls a drawer from the left side of the desk and pulls a crystal ball. After Conjuring a spell, a grey mist appeared inside the transparent sphere. As she moves her hands around it, the mist turns into a setting. Eleven kids walking in the woods. Disoriented. After putting the Vision Sphere in its spot she pulled out a drawer on the right side.

An almost blinding light started shining from it. The gold of the light shining on the villain's face. A wicked grin forming at her lips. This was going to help her take over Enchantasia. And there will be no stopping her.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now