~Chapter 5~

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{Heath's P.O.V}

We were almost at the edge of the dome. The Royal Court found a way to keep it without using Olivina as the source of magic. I notice Devin isn't walking next to us and look back to see her looking at trees and bushes with a scared expression on her face. She didn't move, she was like a statue. The baby rabbit she had rescued at the village was looking at her and even though I can't talk to or understand animals like Devin, I know the rabbit is worried.

"Heath, come on!" my twin Raina exclaims. She doesn't want to get stuck working at the kitchen again. Cooking is not her strong suit and we had to figure it out the hard way.

"You go on, me and Devin will meet you in class,"

The three left as I started walking towards Devin. No matter what she says, she looks like a princess. Even with her tangled gold hair filled with twigs and leaves when she goes "exploring" for lost or hurt animals so she can help them. She has such a kind heart but can be rebellious too if she wants to.

I reach her and put my hand on her shoulder, making her jump. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," I say jokingly. Looking at her face expression, I know that it's not the time for jokes. She gasps and looks back at the spot she was looking at and her eyes have something I haven't seen in four years... fear.


"I'm telling you, it was her! Why would I lie about something like that?!" Devin starts whisper-yelling towards us, gaining weird looks from others in the room. She looks around to make sure they turned back to what they were doing and starts whispering, "Look, she's back and we can't let her get away like last time. We have to go after her and stop her before she does something worse than last time,"

Knowing Devin, I know she won't let it go easily or at all. "Well..." I say slowly, looking at her sky-blue eyes, "someone has to look out for you in case you do anything reckless," I grin at her.

"And someone has to make sure you don't get Devin in trouble," Raina says as she crosses her arms across her chest and raises an eyebrow at me.

My hand clutches the top left of my chest and give her a painful expression. "Me? My own sister thinks I'll be the one getting in trouble? You hurt me sis," she rolls her eyes at me.

Sasha cuts in "While you two are looking out for each other's backs, I'll protect you from each other," we turn to look at Logan.

"Someone needs to look out for the school so I guess I'll stay here," he gets unamused faces from the four of us. He shrugs "it was worth a shot, besides, you need someone to hold you back with dangerous possibilities from getting in harm's way. There's no way I'm letting you guys go alone anyway,"

"Well, the whole team's back together again. Too bad Corden, Prue, and Tara are stuck going on their own adventures in Wonderland," says Sasha.

"There's no need in stressing them with this. After all, we found out about Olivina's plans before we met them. How hard can it be?" Raina states.

"All we need is a plan, anyone have any?" asks Logan.

We think for a moment. "We need to go to the woods where Devin saw her and see if we can (hopefully) track her down," I say.

"Only one problem with that, how will we manage to get out? If we tell anyone about Olivina's sighting, there's no way they'll let us do this alone," asks Devin.

"Okay students, today's lesson will be 'How to grow plants to help heal animals' and 'Making houses for guinea pigs' for extra credit. We will be going outside the dome and help some of the animals, so, who wants to volunteer for the extra credit?"

The five of us smile at each other. "Guess we found a way out" Our hands immediately shoot up. She tells us our instructions to get wood from a bin and a guinea pig each before going outside to start working while the others stay in the classroom.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now