-Chapter 8~

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{Kayla's P.O.V}

"Wake up Gilly! You've been sleeping for over twelve hours!"

Gilly groans and puts her pillow on top of her face. I put my hands on my hips and look at her with a determined look, even though I know she can't see me with the pillow covering her face. "Gillian Cynthia Cobbler!" I could tell she flinched but the started laughing. I've never called her by her full name unless it's serious.

She takes the pillow off and she has a smirk on her face. "You do know I don't have a middle name right? And even if I did, Cynthia? Seriously?"

"I had to think of a name," I sigh "Now come on! You're lucky we don't have classes today but we have to help set up for the party tomorrow."

"Ughhh! What else needs to be done anyway? I thought the decorations were done,"

A small brown mouse climbs to a short table next to Gilly's bed. Wilson squeaks as if he's trying to tell her to get up.

"The decorations are but someone needs to do the actual decorating,"

"Fine, but I get to pick what I'm wearing instead of you and Maxine. Deal?"

I roll my eyes at her "deal," we shake on it and she starts getting ready.

{Ollie's P.O.V}

Finally! We are done decorating for the party tomorrow. All that's left is the food that will be made tomorrow morning. I can't believe it's been four years since we defeated Enchantasia's most wanted villains. I sometimes can't even believe we survived. We all first came to FTRS as a jewelry stealer ogre, a pirate magician, a magic-loving fairy, a secret royal spy , and a master thief wanting to help her family. We've come a long way from that point. We're still all those things but we are reformed... in a way.

Look at us now. We've definitely grown closer over the years. Some of us anyway. Kayla flies past as she descends from hanging decorations on the high parts of the room. She is so amazing, I feel like we've been growing apart. I would ask her out but I don't know if she likes me like that and I don't want to lose our friendship.

She is just so smart, pretty, amazing, and kind that I can't help fall for her. Jax knows about my crush on her and he says I should just tell her how I feel. It's good advice but there aren't many times I take advice from him. Especially since he doesn't take it himself. I'll ask Gilly if she can ask Kayla what she thinks about me. If she does then I'll ask her out, if I have the guts to do it. If she doesn't like me in that way, there's no way I can get embarrassed by asking her out in front of people and being rejected because I'd know her answer in advance.

"Umm, Ollie?"

I look up to the voice and I immediately regret it. "Hey Kayla," I manage to squeak out. She puts a stand of her gold hair and her amber eyes look into my dark ones. It feels like it lasts forever before she speaks up.

"I need those flags so I can finish the top so that way we can go get some rest for tomorrow," she extends her hand at me. I look down at my hand. I was holding some flower decorated triangle flags. That was the theme of this year's party, flowers.

The first year was shoe themed, representing Gilly with some purple because of her hair streak. Her father, Mr. Cobbler even taught some people how to make a shoe! The second year was royal themed for Jax and there was this game where you had to guess if you were lying by pretending to be someone else or telling the truth since Jax was an undercover royal. The third year was pirate and magic themed for me. There was a treasure hunt and I did a magic show for the audience. This fourth year was flower themed for Kayla because she always liked nature and she was happy her family wasn't a bunch of trees anymore. Next year will be Maxine's, then Jocelyn's, then AG's, Jack's, Hayley's, and we are still wary about Anna but maybe the 10th year will be for her.

I give Kayla the flags and she flies up to place it where the ceiling and the walls meet. I sigh. Did I mention she's amazing?

{Jax's P.O.V}

"Where is she?" Gilly is nowhere in sight. Maybe she's with Kayla, yes. I see Kayla putting floral designed flags in the corner where the wall and roof meet. Looking around, I see Ollie sitting by a table looking awestruck at the fairy. He really needs to talk to her, he won't know if she likes him if he doesn't ask her.

Speaking of which, I should be looking for Gilly. I catch her talking to Jocelyn on the other side of the room. Who would have thought they'd become friends. Certainly not me. When Jocelyn walks away, I go up to Gilly.

"Hey thief!" she turns around since her back was facing me. "Act cool, act cool. You can do it Jax,"

Her cheeks seem to get redder as she notices it's me. Maybe she's coming down with a fever? "Uh, h-hey, J-Jax,"

My mouth opens but no sound comes out of it. I've been rehearsing this all morning and now I can't remember anything. My mind's blank! "How is my mind blank! I always know what to say... right?"

Gilly looks at me worriedly "a-are you okay?"

"Can we talk?" is all I could say at that point. She nods and we head to our secret hideout. My hand goes to my pocket where the necklace is. "Don't mess this up Jackson,"

{Heath's P.O.V}

It's been a day and a half since we decided to go to the woods. Everyone's feet are hurting and we hadn't gotten anything to eat or drink since then. We better be getting closer or I'll pass out in the next five hours. Devin is walking wobbly which makes sense. She didn't get that much sleep last night. None of us did but she decided to be on look out while the rest of us slept. I kept insisting to let me do it but she's stubborn.

The trees start to part way. The space between them starts to widen. There is a castle-like house, no, a school. But not any school. It's Fairy Tale Reform School! The others seem to notice as smiles start to appear in their faces. However, it's a very long way there and it's getting darker by the minute. It'll probably take about three hours in our condition.

We better go to sleep right now and rest as much as we can before walking again. This time, I will be the one keeping watch.

{Gilly's P.O.V}

We were close to me and Jax's secret hideout. I noticed he had his hand in his pocket but it shouldn't be anything important. What will he want to talk about? "You better not mess it up Gillian,"

As we wait for the hall to change, a certain boy with mocha-colored skin and curly black hair walks toward us. Jack. "Hey Gilly, Jax," I can see them glaring at each other. I don't get why they act like this but boys will be boys. "AG told me to tell you to go to her dad's classroom. Something about you doing a good job in his class and some assignment from four years ago," my cheeks redden. "Is he talking about Jax's Five Years From Now assignment?"

"Does it have to be right now? I was going to talk to her about something important," Jax says through gritted teeth.

"Look, Prince. I'm just the messenger but it did sound like it's important. Besides, you know how he doesn't like Gilly being late," Jack states.

I turn to look at Jax "Can it wait? I haven't been on his bad side in four years and I'd like to keep it like that," I give a small chuckle. He looks sad but only for a second before smiling and nodding.

-At Prince Sebastian's Classroom-

"I've noticed how you've improved over the years and I re-read your assignment from four years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up in the Dwarf Police Squad. However, I've noticed your ideas changing throughout the years and you haven't written about it in a long time. Is there any other thing you'd like to do next year?"

Jax's assignment comes to mind. I still want to make Enchantasia more peaceful but the sound of me being at the Dwarf Police Squad doesn't look as exciting as it used to. Maybe I could work here and help him with the From Mischief Makers to Model Citizens.

"I guess I thought that was the only option to help people but now... I'm not so sure about what I want to do," he nods understandingly.

"It happens to everyone from time to time," he looks at me in thought "you may leave," and with that, I walk out of the room.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now