{Chapter 11}

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A/N: 🎉🎊Happy New Year's!!!!!🎊🎉

Sorry for the short chapter and even more sorry for the horrible writing, this writer's block thing is killing me!!!


{3rd person's P.O.V}

It's impossible...


The witch was just standing there, looking at everyone in the room. Her grey-blue eyes glistening with enjoyment and a smirk was formed by her blood-red lips. Her gaze shifted to the two groups of friends and her smirk turned into a Cheshire cat smile. "Well, well, well. Looks like everyone is here. Good, it will make this all the more fun,"

"Who are you?" ask two little boys with brown hair and eyes. Han and Hamish.

"Why I am Gothel or Gottie for short. But I'm also known as Alva's younger sister," she smirks mischievously. "You see, my sister has always stolen my ideas like oh I don't know maybe turning into a dragon, cursing a princess to eternal sleep, making a prince turn into a beast, locking up another princess in a tower, etc. Eventually, I had to fake my own death when I was just a teenager and hide in the shadows. Alva has always been predictable and her evil choices finally caught up to her. Me on the other hand, have come to help save Enchantasia."

The information didn't make much sense to anyone there. Gothel took this to her advantage. "And I will start with this," she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke which spread around the room. It then went around the teachers before vanishing.

Headmistress Flora, Professor Wolfington, Madame Cleo, Prince Sebastian, and Professor Harlow's eyes started to turn misty before turning back to normal. However, their faces turned sour and they started yelling. They acted like their old selves... their villainous selves.

Everyone started to panic and run away. The villains all looked to the heroes. "You" they exclaimed in sync "shall never step foot in this school again! Nor shall you go to the village," they pause and give an evil smirk "not that there will be a village after we are done with Enchantasia." Harlow put her hands in front of her making Gilly, Devin and their friends along with Anna were pushed out by a gust of strong, fast wind.

They try to hold onto something but Harlow is stronger than them and the next thing they know, they are thrown outside the school onto the hard ground. Pain filled their thoughts as well as fear.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now