~Chapter 6~

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{Sasha's P.O.V}

We're on our way outside, carrying guinea pigs and wood to make little houses for them. There have been a lot of animals coming in lately and not enough space for them. The houses will start at the edge of the dome, making their way towards the Royal Academy. Once we finish our houses for the guinea pigs to get oriented, instead of heading back, we will be going outside the invisible veil and go to the woods to find that evil Fairy Godmother.

I put my guinea pig down on a piece of cloth so she doesn't stay on the dirty ground. "Come here Bella," she goes to it and lays down. No one really knows this, but I love guinea pigs. They are my favorite animals. The way they sometimes escape from you and how if you whistle, they whistle back. Guinea pigs are just so cute and small. I actually asked my parents if we could get one. Unfortunately, Rose is apparently allergic to them and a few years after I asked, she was cursed to sleep until her "true love" came to save her. Rose has always been the type that likes that cheesy drama stuff. I still don't get it but she says I'll figure it out when it happens. There's no telling if one's older sister talks the truth about things like this, but who can blame her? After all, she would be sleeping for eternity if the true love's kiss wouldn't have worked. Enchantasia is the place of fairy tales.

"Better get to work" I grab a piece of wood and start building houses.

~After finishing the houses~

"There, now we just put the special fabric underneath and head for the woods," says Logan.

We put pillows and blankets so the guinea pigs won't be cold if there's any wind. As we stand up, we admire our work. The guinea pigs go to their houses excitedly and get some rest.

 The guinea pigs go to their houses excitedly and get some rest

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"Okay, let's go find Olivina," Devin has a determined look as she says this

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"Okay, let's go find Olivina," Devin has a determined look as she says this. I know she blames herself for what's happened and Olivina has filled her thoughts since she disappeared. She wants to do this more than anyone else and nothing is going to stop her.

The woods are bigger than I remember. I would have thought it would seem smaller if anything, being that I haven't been here in four years. The memory of being outlaws comes to mind. It was hard to adjust but we had met Prue, Corden, Tara, Robin Hood, and Red in the process which made us even stronger as a team.

Apparently, Olivina left heel prints that are leading us deeper into the dark forest. And now we just walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk with nothing else to do except hope that we aren't following a fake trail. "But why would it be a fake trail? Olivina is smarter than we give her credit for... she would never be so careless as to leave a trail leading to her. Not unless..."

"We have to turn back! We need to go back to the academy NOW!" I yell.

Everyone looks at me confused. "Why? Did you leave something?"

"Yes! We left something, we left the academy!"

They share horrified looks and we start running back. "What is she planning this time?" Coming to a halt, everything looks exactly as we left it. No road is seen, the veil is still working and no screams so far. It's all quiet with the exception of some birds singing in the distance every now and then.

Devin starts to walk to the edge, expecting to feel the cold yet warm breeze that appears when pass through. But it never came. It's as if it never existed in the first place. "What has she done?!" You can clearly see the anger building up in Devin's tone. We are all thinking the same thing... and there's tension at the thought.

A war is coming.

"There's no reason to stay here. We need to go back to the woods and make a plan," says Heath. We nod in agreement.

"This time, we're going to need all the help we can get," states Devin.


A/N: I'm sorry for the slow and short chapter but I'm trying to build up the tension if you know what I mean. Don't worry, the crossover will be here soon. I'll try to make the next part two chapters long so you guys can get to the action quicker. Please stick with me and the story, I know I'm not the best writer but the plot will maybe, just maybe, blow your mind. Also, I already have the ending so all I need to do is fill the spaces in between. Sorry for the long-ish Author's Note (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now