{Chapter 18}

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A/N: Ok, so, really quick announcement. There are only a few more chapters before this story comes to a close and in case you want to know, there will be a wanted Jilly scene in the last chapter, "The End" and that's it I guess. I do need more votes on the type of necklace from chapter 3 to add it in so please vote for the one you want.


{3rd person's P.O.V}

The dragon's shadow covered them completely, they began to climb down the tree but something was keeping Devin from following the others. She looked straight at the golden beast. "She's scared..." suddenly, it all made sense. Gillian grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her off the tree when Devin stopped her. "Wait! She's being controlled, we have to help her!"

"Why would we help a dragon?" asks Gilly.

Devin looked back at the winged beast with determination. "Because she's not a dragon." she turns to Gilly once more. "It's Lily!"

Gillian stared at her confused but then looked behind her to see a yellow dragon that kind of resembled the bearded dragon. "It is her," she mumbled.



The girls turned to the worried voices to see two handsome princes who always made their hearts beat faster. "Why did he call me Gillian? Jax never does that unless it's serious,"

"Duck!" they both yell.

Being the girls they are, they turned around to see dragon Lily opening her snout. They knew what was about to happen and didn't think twice before lowering themselves to dodge the fire. They could smell the acrid scent of burnt wood as they stood up with Lily getting ready to breathe fire again.

They ran back to Jax and Heath, barely getting away from the fire. "We have to break the magic hold on Lily!" shouts Devin.

"We need to find out who is controlling her first," Heath replies. All four of them looked around to find any trace from the person controlling the bearded dragon. Nothing, until they saw there was some sort of leash on her that traced back to some bushes. Behind the clump of shrubs, was something brown that looked like hair. Devin and Heath knew exactly who it was. Jax and Gilly however, had an idea of who it was but not quite sure.


Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now