{Chapter 22}

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{3rd person's P.O.V}


Something cuts through the sky at lightning speed. "...-εξουσίες μειωμένος!"

A surge of energy is felt all around Enchantasia. "Looks like you forgot about me," says a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. Behind her there's a boy wearing a green and black theme. He has three arrows in his grasp.

Gilly opens her eyes to see that the pole only missed her head by a hair but still grazed her cheek, leaving a slight cut. She looks up at Jax just to find him smiling and crying. He kneels down to hug her, forgetting about her injured shoulder. "Ow! Be careful,"

Jax immediately stops hugging Gilly. "I'm sorry! I didn't remember, are you okay?!" Gilly can only laugh in response to his worried demeanor. Jax starts chuckling nervously before helping her on her feet and leading her to where everyone was gathering around.

There, laid a woman in a dirty red dress, messy curls framing her face, and red lipstick swiped all over her mouth. She looks at the girl who had talked, Sasha. She then turns to look at Heath, Devin, Jax, and finally, Gillian. She knew something they didn't, that much was clear. But not to them.

A sharp pain is felt by the witch. She looks at her hands before her before screaming, "Nooooooooooo! I'll have you pay for this! ALL OF YOU!" The Crimson Witch's skin started to look like it was breaking and there was a light underneath it. She then exploded, not leaving a trace that she was ever there.

The heroes were out of breath and some of them collapsed onto the wet grass acting like they defeated the most feared villain all by themselves (A/N: *cough cough* Logan *cough cough*) Olivina was by a wall of the school with her shredded dress and mascara running down her cheeks from crying at losing her powers.

The mind-control enchantment started to wear off and the people controlled started to stand up. Some sore from being thrown around during the battle. Harlow put Olivina in a cell bubble to keep her from running away until the Dwarf Police came to take her. They would probably banish her for all the trouble she's caused. As for Gothel, it was the last they've seen from her.


A week later, there was a party in their honor. Again. But this time, they were also celebrating the rebels from the Royal Academy. They have defeated the four most dangerous villains and they were only sixteen! They were celebrities now and they started helping at Fairy Tale Reform School by teaching some courses when they had free time.

"This is a really good party!" exclaimed Devin. The rest agreed. "Ooh! Ice cream! Do you guys think there is any whipped cream around here?"

Kayla went to some other table and came back with a bowl filled with white, creamy goodness before going back to her seat next to Ollie. Apparently they had been dating for a while now but finally decided to put it out in the open. As Devin served herself some ice cream and whipped cream Logan shuddered.

"Uh, Logan, are you okay?" asks Maxine.

Logan nods his head. "Yeah, just scared of it," he said pointing at the white substance.

"You're scared... of whipped cream?" asks Sasha and Logan nods once more.

"The way it moves," he shudders again before everyone starts laughing at his reaction. (A/N: I just had to add this. Anyone know where it's from?)

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now