Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry for taking a whole month but thank you to those who are still here. Thank you to @DarkFeyMagick for writing the battle scene, she's an amazing writer. Lastly, Thank you for 2.2k!

Ok, I lied, this is the last thing. I am going to be pretty busy today but if I have time, I'll post the next chapter probably tonight so keep your eyes open for any updates. Let the reading begin!


{Gilly's P.O.V}

There was no time to waste. Jocelyn conjures a big purple fireball and hurls it at the witch while A.G. transforms into a beast and charges at Gothel. Gothel catches Jocelyn's fireball and throws it at A.G. in return.

"No!" Jocelyn yells. She lunges for A.G. too late. Jocelyn stops in midtrack and gawks. A.G. laid in a hole in the ground made by the impact of the fireball. She was in human form and she looked terrible. Her dress was tattered and torn and she has multiple scratches on her. Jocelyn ran up to A.G. and hugged her unconscious body.

Jocelyn looks up at Gothel with murderous eyes. "You- will- PAY!" Jocelyn growls through her teeth.

Gothel laughs. "And how much do I owe you, measly witch?" she asks, sneering.

Jocelyn locks her eyes with Gothel's. "Your life," she growls.

The Crimson Witch looks at Jocelyn with wide eyes, filled with shock as Jocelyn conjures a green sizzling box around her. She tries to move, but is zapped each time with paralyzing thunder bolts.

Gothel growls and flinches at the thunder bolts striking her. Jocelyn starts to conjure an enormous fire ball, but Gothel just smirks.

"Hit me, child. You'll never be able to beat me. I am more powerful than a Fairy Godmother!" she says.

Jocelyn fires the enormous fire ball at her and Gothel's smile grows wider. The fire ball goes through the green sizzling box encasing her and she catches the fireball, once more.

Gothel puts the fireball over her head and throws it at Jocelyn. Jocelyn gasps and uses her body to shield A.G.'s.

The magical green box now gone because of the impact from the fireball, Gothel was now free again. Then, something unexpected happened. A set of red and black fairy wings start appearing from her back. She must have seen the shock and confusion in our faces because she started explaining. "Oh, right. You don't know. I'm part fairy and getting Olivina's power just made my fairy powers grow five times as much!" she gave us all an evil smirk. You can see Olivina sobbing in the magic bubble Gothel put her in. It almost made me feel bad for her. Almost.

Maxine has tears flowing down her cheeks and is twitching with anger. Hayley has her hand to her mouth and Kayla is somewhere else.

Jack and Ollie start to pick up bricks from the ground and start tossing them at Gothel, shouting an insult at her each time they toss.

"Old witch!"

"Snotty nose!"

"Betrayer to the princesses!"

Gothel just crushes the bricks, but unfortunately for her, they turn to dust and get into her eyes and nose. She starts sneezing and wiping her eyes, desperately trying to get the dust out.

Ollie and Jack cheer along with Logan. Logan decides to join in and they begin taking turns pelting bricks at her, continuing the name calling. Gothel screams in pain while sneezing, not being able to control herself and block the attacks.

"Snotty nose?" Jax snorts. "He has even lamer insults than I thought."

I punch him in the shoulder. "It's called spirit. We're in a battle. Do you have anything better to do rather than stand there and insult them?" I ask.

Devin calls for animals to go against the mind controlled minions without hurting them while Heath tests out a pole to see if it could work out as a sword. Kayla starts to shrink and fly around Gothel, mimicking her words in an annoying voice.

"Get away from my ear, you fly!" Gothel says, trying to swat away Kayla.

"Get away from my ear, you fly!" Kayla mimics in an annoying tone, while giggling.

"Be quiet, you insolent fly!" Gothel tries again.

"Be quiet, you insolent fly!" Kayla mimics once more.

They go back and forth like this. Hayley takes it as her cue to grab a nearby hose and spray it at the spot in between Gothel's fairy wings.

"Ah!" Gothel screams. She plunges out of the sky and lands with a thud on the floor, in a twist.

Heath smiles and proceeds to hit her in the head with his pole. Jax however, beats him to it and uses another pole to deflect Heath's attack.

"Wha-?" Heath asks. Gothel looks up with a smirk and starts moving her fingers. Jax moved in sync with the fairy witch's fingers and kicked Heath in the chest.

"Why would Jax do that?" The answer clicked in my brain. Gothel was mind controlling Jax.

Heath stumbles back and drops his pole. Heath grabs a brick and hurls it at Jax, but Jax dodges it.

"Heath! Don't throw anything at Jax! He's being controlled by Gothel!" I shout. I look around frantically for something to stop Gothel.

Ollie hears this and yells. "Fire at her fingaaaaaaars!"

Logan and Jack take a new target and keep successfully hitting Gothel in the fingers, but she casts a spell on them, making them start going against each other, Jax's trance isn't broken. Gothel looks up at me and smirks as she makes Jax walk to me.

Jax starts to strike, but I'm twice as fast and grab another pole to sweep his legs out from under him. Jax falls to the floor with a grunt but gets up just as quickly and swings his pole at my shoulder. The impact was so big, that I felt like my shoulder was dislocated.

The pain took a while for me to feel until I yelped in pain as Kayla zoomed over and started to try and annoy Jax. That only resulted in Kayla getting hit by Jax's pole, hard.

Jax started towards me and I started scrambling backwards, away from him. His once soothing violet eyes now show fear and sadness as he gets closer. Tears start running down his princely face. His corn-colored hair is dirty and has leaves from sleeping in the forest. I hit something hard behind me, a rock. My shoulder is getting worse by the second and I'll be too slow to run, let alone get up without Jax swinging that pole. He knows I have nowhere to go and Gothel knows that fighting ourselves is easier than her fighting us all together. Brings another meaning to "Divide and conquer" if you ask me.

Jax lifts up the pole over his head, ready to attack. I see Gothel starting to talk and move her fingers from a distance. "There's no one to help you now Gillian!" It's Jax's voice but Gothel's words. I can't believe I let this happen.

I look at those violet eyes one last time before turning my head away, ready for the impact. I can feel Jax not wanting to go along with it but not having a choice in the matter. And with that... he swings.

Banned: A FTRS and RAR crossover storyWhere stories live. Discover now