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The Great Hall was loud and busy as another school year began once more and Headmistress McGonagall stepped up to present her first speech. 

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! This year will be a little different since we are still in the process of rebuilding the school after the war that tragically took place last year. That being said...we will be attending a muggle school."

The talking grew even louder as protests began flowing in. 

"Muggle School? We know nothing about that!"

"Filthy Muggles?"

"We're here to learn magic!"

"SILENCE! It has already been decided! In order to avoid a future war and reduce any hatred stemming from an ignorance of the muggle community, you will ALL be required to attend by the new Minister. NO MORE COMPLAINTS!"

And with that, the students were headed into another chaotic- yet surely interesting- year. 

Muggle Trouble -Theodore Nott-Where stories live. Discover now