78| Am I Being Stupid? Yes. Reckless? Yes. Know What I'm Doing? No.

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I walked in with no confidence, no manners, no shimmering sparks, and no loud round of applause. It was a pretty stupid thing to do, since I'd just learned about magic, so who knows? I could've turned into slime the second I stepped into the cave. Thank gods for the bad security.

"Who are you?" Mr. Nott (I decided to call him that) narrowed his eyes.

I tried not to stutter. "Your... student."

"Why are you here?"

I tried desperately to come up with an excuse. "Because.. I was having a walk around this river, you know, reeeeally nice view, when I came across this, and it looked.. Cool, so I came in! I heard some shouts, and since I'm really concerned about the safety of teachers and students, I just wanted to come and see if everything was alright! Clearly, something wasn't.." I prayed that he would buy it.

"Yeah, right, I'll deal with you after I finish him," he snarled, and grabbed Theo by the shirt.

"Wait! NO! I- I won't let you! I can go outside right now and get some reinforcements-!" I spoke too soon, as the cave entrance caved in with a flick of his wrist.

I gaped at him, even if I already knew about magic. Even if he wasn't killing anyone yet, I knew that it would be a matter of time before he did. Desperately searching the ground, I found a rock that looked pretty big, so I picked it up as subtly as possible.

He probably noticed, but didn't comment. As he turned his attention back to Theo, I threw the rock at him. It missed.

I huffed angrily, but after another try, it was clear that that plant had to be abandoned. I also knew that if I tried to grab a piece of rock from the walls, the cave would give in and collapse on us. By us, I meant me.

Then, Mr. Nott would probably use one of his abracadabra stuff and survive with no wounds, cuts, or scratches.

I stood up, slowly moving toward them. Mr. Nott glared at me. He raised his wand at me.

Now I was freaking out. Apparently, the act casual plan was a bunch of baloney. I cowered back, furiously thinking. If he shot a spell, I could duck, right? Or jump, but that didn't sound like a reasonable option right now. Or ever.


My first thought was 'excuse me?" and my second instinct was to RUN AWAY. I ended up half-staggering away, the tip of my clothes torn apart by the light.

Mr. Nott gave out a loud laugh, then glared at me. I was confused at first, then realized that I was in a life-or-death situation. On the bright side, he wasn't focused on Theo now. On the not-so-bright side, he was now preparing to shoot a variety of spells longer than the span of Earth.

I grabbed some convenient rock, and threw them at the light, which was not a good idea, they broke, missed, or went into nothingness.

I had to abandon Plan D, and moved onto Plan E.. which didn't exist. Well, now was a good time to 'wing it.'

I gave out a very quiet cry, and ran around the cave. All it did was use up my energy. Even worse, I was tired, and footsteps were nearing.


I screamed as jets of water and lights flew around the cave, giving away my location, which was behind a rock that looked like a pole. It just collapsed, so I would've gotten found anyway. I bolted for it, as the cave was starting to collapse.

Exactly what wasn't supposed to happen. I watched as the walls came crumbling down. I finally spotted a small exit, and mustered up all my strength. I pried through the rocks as the rain of rocks continued.

Light that didn't come from Mr. Nott's wand poured in, but I had no time to take a nice big breath of air. Mr. Nott was still hot on my tail, looking murderous as ever.

I struggled to cover my body as the cave continued to fall. As Nott was blasting away at the rocks, I reached up from behind and attempted to grab his wand.

I failed.

He turned towards me, and shot another spell at me. I felt as if time slowed, but then my instincts took over and knocked his wand from his hand.

We both stared at it as the wand fell to the ground, cracking in the process. I could cry tears of joy, but still was in 'battle'.

I kicked him, but he was also older than me, so he barely reacted. I was suddenly pushed back into the rocks.

"Ergh.." I muttered, and steadily stood up. Abruptly, courage filled me, and I slowly heaved up a rock that was big enough to be a small boulder.

Mr. Nott, however, didn't break a sweat, and said, "Accio!" before the rock flew into his hand.

Dang it! So he could do magic without his wand, too? I was faced towards a hard truth.

I was doomed.

Diana is doomed... Do you think she's gonna survive?

ANYWAYS.. this chapter was actually pretty hard to write 😩

I have 0 experience with these battle type scenes, so excuse me. And.. to HaileyLema, thank you for commenting! Also, to mrtellmeasecrett and lovepartridge for commenting as well! 

Along with Pineapplegrlslytherinlocket01idkimmareadertoffeefudge2dracosboo123, and audgeweasley for adding my story to their reading list!


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