59| We All Love Cafe's

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"Let's play truth or dare!" Carina yelled excitedly.

"Okay!" I hollered back.

"LEAH, TRUTH OR DARE?" she asked loudly.


"Hmm.. have you ever snuck out without your parents knowing?"

"Well... uh, yes."


"My turn!" Leah shouted over her.

"Diana, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to hold as many snowballs as you can and throw them at Theo."


Carina was laughing and Leah was grinning humongously.

"A dare's a dare!" she replied.

"DO IT!" Carina cheered.

I quickly formed at least half a dozen snowballs, and struggled to lift all of them up. Then, I stood up and threw every single one of them at Nott's head.

He turned around slowly, and a millisecond later, an infinite amount of snowballs were pouring back at me. He must've been REALLY good at snowball fights..

"RUN!" we shrieked, and dove away.


"That- that was amazing," gasped Leah.

"Yeah," Carina agreed.

In the end, we just hid and made our own snowballs to throw back, and it turned into an ultimate battle. Technically, Nott had way less people on his side then us, but that was besides the point.

"Anyways, I'm freezing, so I'm going to take a shower. See you later?" I shivered.

"Yup! Bye, Diana!" waved Leah and Carina.

I sighed, and went inside the restroom.

Literally has no relation to the story, but I feel like there hasn't been one story I've read that actually lets people go to the restroom- it's like 100000000000 months without needing to go. Continue reading now.


Hey, want to meet up at the cafe?

Princess Leah:



Okay, just let me change


K, I'll be waiting 😁

I threw on a simple outfit before heading out.

"Hi!" Carina yelled.


"HI GUYS!" shouted Leah, just coming over.

"Let's go now," I said, and walked into the cafe. It was decorated with pastel colors, and I went to the front to order.

Welcome to Drinkie Delight!

We hope you enjoy your stay here!

"Hi! What can I get for you today?"

"Um.. I'll have a strawberry mixed smoothie," I replied, looking thoughtfully at the menu.

"I'll have a double deckered chocolate sundae!" Carina beamed.

"I thought you said you were starting a diet!" hissed Leah.

"Last one," she pouted.

"Sorry, and I'll have frozen yogurt," Leah ordered.

"Alright! Are you paying with cash, card, or check?"

"I'll pay," whispered Leah.

"Cash," she replied.

"Okay, that'll be 8 pounds!"

I forgot we were in Britain so yeah.


"Thank you! Here's your receipt,"

We got our drinks a few minutes later.

"This is really good," Carina exclaimed, and I nodded in agreement, before


My drink flew all over the place as I crashed into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry-" I was cut off as I saw who the person was.

"What are you doing?"

HAHAHA cliffhanger though I bet everyone can guess who it is. Nothing really to say, but I think I'm going to Texas in a few months, I don't know. I might not be able to update as often then, so just a heads up. I'm most likely bringing my computer though, so I might be able to squeeze a few chapters in.


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